Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] access to a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In fact he was subjected to a very stiff , puritanical and doctrinal regime , only mitigated by the fact that he was educated by a long sequence of tutors , and seemed to have access to a lot of books .
2 Consider who is going to have access to a terminal .
3 An identifier which must be supplied to gain access to a module if the user does not have the necessary privileges .
4 The court adjudged that , having requested access to a lawyer , a suspect could not then be questioned without the presence of a lawyer , even if he or she had already conferred with the lawyer .
5 Twenty-four hours later it would still have required access to a crystal ball to predict the result after some of the most enthralling encounters seen on a golf course since man first put club to ball .
6 A group of children clustered at the place where the bridge forked to provide access to a set of warehouses .
7 Almost nine tenths , 88 per cent , of the people who had spent some time in a residential home were said to have had access to a telephone where they could make calls and people could telephone them .
8 Colour is also left to the printer although we can , now , automatically produce spot colour separations and , shortly , will be able to handle full process colour although this does need access to a typesetter .
9 They may instead become increasingly determined to gain access to a school in a nearby LEA with a ‘ better class ’ of pupil , irrespective of how well that school is doing for its intake .
10 In the past the courts have construed statutory and common law rights to information restrictively and have either required an applicant to show a special reason for wanting the information or have denied access to a person with an ‘ indirect motive ’ such as a councillor helping a constituent in a complaint against the authority .
11 The precocious meddler actually managed to gain access to a computer used by Grumman to handle military customers including the Pentagon , police said .
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