Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] itself as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the US , for example , where the socialist party failed to establish itself as a major party after a fairly rapid growth in the first decade of this century , it has long been argued that the presidential system is a major obstacle to the development of third parties , and undoubtedly these constitutional factors have been important ; but it is clear that many other social and economic characteristics of the US have had a preponderant influence in determining the absence of a large-scale independent socialist movement or party there ( Sombart , 1906 ; Laslett and Lipset , 1974 ) .
2 By looking after its past employees , the army sought to position itself as a caring organisation which would encourage new recruits .
3 In time , academic anthropology became less directly associated with evolutionary ideas , and it tried to establish itself as a respectable , if not conservative , branch of the social sciences .
4 To that extent , the EC does not seem to have accepted the ramifications of the post-communist years and has not decided whether it wants to consolidate itself as a rich man 's club at the western end of the continent of Europe , to which the east Europeans can apply for associate membership , or to widen its institutions , starting with freer trade .
5 St William 's has presented itself as a prime mover and so it falls to St William 's to work out how to express itself as a managing agent .
6 There are many teachers who feel that things are that bad , and for whom , at some tacit level of decision-making , becoming ‘ like that ’ has presented itself as the only sensible , or the only possible modus operandi that is left .
7 The Council , in sum , is seeking most of the tools it needs to relaunch itself as an active , respected self-regulator .
8 The Council , in sum , is seeking most of the tools it needs to relaunch itself as an active , respected self-regulator .
9 The first of these documents is likely to appear before any published part of the government 's review , and will amount to advice to government on what arrangements the government should make for R&D to best meet national needs Giving ACARD this job as a formal duty is a mark that the Council has established itself as a key body in reviewing and stimulating new industrial technologies .
10 It brought us to a stage of development when , with a student population of almost 5000 , the university has established itself as a viable , innovative , vibrant and mature institution .
11 In only its third year of operating the three and a half mile branch between Bodmin General and Bodmin Parkway , the B & W has established itself as a major leisure attraction and is building a reputation as one of the more progressive preserved railways in the country .
12 This particular project began in Liverpool in 1976 and has established itself as a national model for radical working-class adult education .
13 And of course has established itself as a leading player in this industry .
14 And with a history of political stability , business freedom and international competitiveness ideal for business to grow and prosper , Singapore has established itself as an excellent telecommunications hub and global business centre .
15 To schematise , the British working class has not been ready to run the risks of attempting to constitute itself as the ruling class , of putting forward concrete proposals for working class control over industry and finance and fighting seriously to achieve them .
16 In relation to our " design-and-society " problem , design , in rending itself from the social fabric and attempting to construct itself as an independent discipline — and having constructed its own pantheon of values and principles with only tangential relation to the social — becomes , quite literally , socially unintelligible .
17 Our subsequent contacts with school staff in the city indicated that the legacy was a powerful and often negative one , and that it continued to be reinforced because despite a general loosening of LEA control and a government-sponsored shift to a greater measure of school self-determination , the Authority was perceived by schools as continuing to present itself as the main definer and arbiter of good practice .
18 In Azerbaijan the Nagorno-Karabakh autonomous region voted to establish itself as an independent republic with the support of 99.9 per cent of those who took part in a referendum on the matter , and applied to join the newly-established Commonwealth of Independent States ; Azerbaijan , for its part , voted to abolish the region entirely , renamed its capital city and placed the whole area under the control of a military governor .
19 These moves will also mean that the probation service has to stop seeing itself as the exclusive provider of services and facilities : it is suggested that other voluntary or private sectors may make better provision .
20 There was no reason at all why these councils should have been regarded as above criticism , but in the context of that period when local government was under renewed attack from Thatcherism , the publication of sectarian , ill-researched articles in the magazine that likes to see itself as a broad-based forum of progressive ideas , was nothing less than destructive .
21 Scotland had re-established itself as an independent nation .
22 Rug-making declined after the late 18th century , and only in the last 20 years has Egypt begun to re-establish itself as an important force .
23 Syria still likes to portray itself as the sworn enemy of the Israelis , but the Ba'ath Party officials who rule with an iron hand appear to have given up trying to stop their citizens tuning in to the ‘ Zionists ’ wavelength .
24 Despite its shattering defeat in 1931 the Labour Party had established itself as the dominant political force opposed to the Conservative Party , as the unchallenged controller of local government on the major coalfields and as the Party to which the great majority of trade-union officials gave their loyalty .
25 It had grounds for such fears , since it was struggling to legitimize itself as the Palestinian representative and did not wish this to be challenged by any independent local movement .
26 Yet it is a testimony to the strength of party during this period that the Court , despite the resources of patronage at its disposal , largely failed to establish itself as an independent interest .
27 The fact that it also rejects punishment in favour of individualised treatment geared to the particular needs of the offender has meant that , unlike deterrence , it has managed to present itself as a humane , caring alternative to the ‘ primitive revenge ’ of retribution .
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