Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] itself [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I regard the existence of flourishing humanities research as an index to the civilisation of our society ; Labour , however , has committed itself prematurely to the establishment of a humanities research council .
2 It has lent itself admirably to the finishing of chairs , cabinets and desks — pieces where a very sensitive finish is required .
3 Pravda , the official Soviet newspaper , has positioned itself unambiguously on the side of the East German government 's authority .
4 The left also has to draw itself out of the mire into which it has been plunged following the 1960s renaissance of Marxist ideas in the Labour movement .
5 The parachute has to be packed into a realistic pack — no self-respecting dropnik could be expected to cast itself off with a bundle of nylon in its arms .
6 I fear that our nation has set itself up for a decade of national strife .
7 Next morning dawns bright and clear ; the storm has blown itself out in the night .
8 ‘ Why , Sarella ? ’ he grated after a battle that seemed to draw itself out to the limits .
9 But as she sang , the voice seemed to lift itself out of the setting , out of the plot , and become a performance in itself .
10 Although the musical ascendancy of Italy did not begin to assert itself immediately after the deaths of Josquin and Isaac and their great contemporaries , Pierre de La Rue and Loyset Compere , its foundations were already laid .
11 The Butlins Empire has now had to market itself anew for the experienced package tourist ; a move from wooden chalets to brick-built country suites , from the Minehead Camp to Summerwest World .
12 It could be said that some sort of crisis was going to force itself up in the life of a strongly emotional young man who was so strictly engaged in compartmentalizing his life : a father who was never meant to know about Janie Moore ; Minto herself cut off from college ; almost all his friends kept in darkness about his emotional history , and most of them at this period unaware of his religious interests ; pupils who were discussing with him the things he cared about most — books — but in a fashion which prevented his strength of feeling breaking through .
13 This storm was not going to blow itself out in an hour — not even for him .
14 ‘ It began to overhaul itself only as a result of demands from the public and from individual scientists . ’
15 He advised teachers ‘ to get to it ( the atomic theory ) as quickly as possible ’ , describing it as ‘ one of those short cuts with the human mind often takes to raise itself quickly to a height from which the relations between phenomena can be discerned at a glance ’ .
16 The United States was increasingly distracted by Vietnam , while in 1966 France began to disengage itself militarily from the alliance .
17 As far as it is possible to ascertain , this particular meaning appears to manifest itself only as a purely human phenomenon
18 Something was trying to pull itself out of the corridor wall .
19 The same scenario had played itself out in a hundred different ways when she was a child .
20 British trade unionism had found itself again after the traumas of the interwar years ; and it would have nothing to do with new-fangled ideas of socialist planning .
21 Selene never again made a long speech , but she was happy ; and after Mrs Gracie died Dinah took shares in the business , which by then had set itself up in the old Asshe house while Dinah moved out to Hampstead .
22 Her plaintive whisper had projected itself right round the Hall , but this had not put paid to her determination to secure his attention .
23 The necessity for a re-evaluation of tactics was further confirmed by the wave of counter-revolutionary repression which swept Latin America in the mid-1970s , the most dramatic example of which was the abrupt and extraordinarily violent termination of the Allende experiment by a Chilean military which for several decades had prided itself on respecting the nation 's democratic traditions .
24 It had quietened itself down to a low , continuous burble .
25 I had no idea that what was happening was my body trying to bring itself up to a natural weight rather than the unnatural , low one that I kept it at .
26 Canary Wharf , the tallest building in Europe , fails to shape itself adequately at the fiftieth storey and is dull as a consequence .
27 She let her eyes sweep over him , reluctantly impressed at the way his magnificent physique still managed to display itself even under the bulky quilted trousers and jacket .
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