Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] a nice [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ While everyone wants to have a nice looking bass , I think you have to get your priorities in order .
2 yeah well as long as we get to school for half past , I mean but she 'd got a nice little cauliflower and , I think she 'd got a carton some sort of .
3 But Disney executives , serious men in grey suits who describe themselves as ‘ nice solid businessmen who do things in a nice solid way ’ and who hope to take a nice solid £500 million this year alone , have taken criticism in good heart .
4 I 'd like to play a nice quiet game , all together beside a warm fire . ’
5 I suppose they felt that the viewing public needed to see a nice little clump of easily identified people , which on first glance they could decide whether they liked or not .
6 Now , I expect you 'll both want to have a nice cold shower — so I 'll leave you to get on with it , ’ he added , giving them another of his slow , friendly smiles before he , too , made his way back to the larger house .
7 He did look a nice old cat , they seem to be a nice
8 Needless to say , nobody knew , but the bidding went up in units ( people do like a nice round unit for this type of speculation ) of £500,000 .
9 Carbon dioxide is the most soluble of the gases because as it dissolves it does n't just go through a physical solution it goes through a chemical conversion such that carbon dioxide dissolving in water forms carbonic acid which , in water will dissociate into a hydrogen iron and a hydrogen bicarbonate iron which can further dissociate this is why I 've got a nice wide blackboard and you 've only got a piece of A four paper so you end up with a carbonate iron two hydrogen ions This system is a dynamic equilibrium .
10 Now that 's all very well having one of those , if you 've got a nice solid wood door to fit it to , but if you 're looking at the new replacement P V C doors erm , afterwards you ca n't fit that type of lock because the actual structure of the door wo n't take it .
11 And they 've got a nice young fellow to play Ophelia . ’
12 ‘ Well , you 've got a nice sunny day for it , Icarus ’
13 fold bandage and if you want , pack it away like that , you bring the end in the centre , there , so and again the ends in to the centre , just so that they meet like this , like this the centre , just so that they meet there , again , start like this , ends just to meet in the centre do n't overlap them too much and again bend into the centre and you 've got a nice little pad , if you ever need a pad for plonking on a wound quickly , there you 've got a pad , or putting against an ear or anything you want it for and you open it up quickly and you 've got a bandage , two of those and you 've got a
14 There was a little exhibition called The Nude and basically they 've got a nice little Picture Gallery there with sort of various things in , but they also had some lovely anatomy books beside it and so on , some amazing engravings , you know , entire body structures , skeletal man , muscular man , .
15 " Ah 've got a nice few cases for ye to see today .
16 You 've had a nice lazy day today .
17 Patsy had tied a nice red cushion to it .
18 Things had been near perfect at that stage , and they 'd gone for a drink later , with Amanda chatting up the barman who had seemed a nice shy boy , if a bit quiet for the job .
19 erm There does seem to be a sort of slight discrepancy in the idea of us trying to have a nice clean city and then the people on the allotments committee continuing to build bonfires. erm And it is possible that they perhaps , they have n't in fact any alternative way of getting rid of their rubbish , on the allotments site .
20 But no , he 's made a nice good job of the
21 She just wanted to cause a nice little miscarriage , did she ?
22 ‘ I 've always rather liked the idea of being a ‘ distressed gentlewoman ’ — it 's got a nice old-world sound about it .
23 Oh yes , erm I think it was generally , er , they had to match the colouring of the rooms that they 'd got , the furniture they 'd got really because as far as the room was concerned er when , when the , new houses came onto the erm , ready for occupation , er they were all cream coloured inside and anyway and pale cream so they , they 'd got er any choice they wanted there it , really it was just to match their curtains , match their carpets , all their furnishings and erm , of course I suppose they , the rose coloured ones er went better than say the lemon coloured one and that because er people just er liked the idea of moving into a place that 's got a nice cosy glow in it , place sort of thing , but we never sell any at all , there 's , none of that type of fitting in , sold now .
24 I like the Rivera because I can drive it quite hard at low level and it 's got a nice warm sound .
25 God bless , R.J. PS Please water ( and of course eat ) the tomatoes PPS Yaxlee says he 's got a nice young bay cob if you want to hack .
26 ‘ I 'll give you your letter back , miss — unread , ’ the police-sergeant told Rosalind , with a grin , ‘ but I 'd like to keep the envelope , please , because it 's got a nice glossy surface and the man your sister saw stealing bulbs has left two lovely big fingerprints on it , which may or may not enable us to find out who he is , but will certainly prove whether the gardener who was sacked as the thief is innocent .
27 It 's got a nice little swimming pool although evidently it looks really nice on the photograph because it looks like a big rectangular one .
28 Few can rival the Natural History Museum 's offer of drinks beneath its dinosaur , but Christmas and new-year parties have become a nice little earner for museums and galleries right across the country .
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