Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] stay [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A small group was reported to have stayed in the embassy in the hope of avoiding separation from friends or family en route from East Germany .
2 Rebuilt in the mid-18th Century , it stands on the site of an earlier house in which Charles I is said to have stayed before the Battle of Edgehill .
3 And I 'm afraid you 're going to have to stay in the room for a short time , while I make a couple of phone calls and certain arrangements . ’
4 With more first preference votes as a result of successful equalisation McNarry might have expected to stay in the count longer than Bradford and thus receive votes from the transfers of opponents .
5 Fluka is continuing to work to stay at the forefront of knowledge in these areas .
6 They were absolutely not a disaster for women , obviously I would have preferred to stay on the shadow cabinet , but we have three women in the shadow cabinet , and we have a number of women in senior positions outside the shadow cabinet .
7 But even the happiness Mother and Father felt at being able to live together under the same roof at last was tinged with sadness , because they both liked Stainmore very much and would have preferred to stay in the area .
8 We had to win to get into the play-offs and they needed to win to stay in the League .
9 ‘ I think big clubs will always have to compete to stay at the top and these prices show the way the transfer market has gone .
10 As she seems to have stayed on the island for only three weeks , however , being moved back to Stirling when the English army left Scotland at the end of September , we can only conclude that these are testimony not to Mary as an infant prodigy , but to her fascination as a source of romance and legend .
11 I do need to stay on the fairway , though . ’
12 If I do have to stay in the cells over Christmas I 'll make sure I ruin your wedding tackle before they take me down . ’
13 He had expected to stay at the Dog and Gun , a tavern well known for its radical associations , where unstamped , illegal newspapers had always been laid out openly on the bar-counter for the perusal of anyone so inclined .
14 But the Secretary had come to stay as the hub of the administrative process .
15 After being rescued , Troy had decided to stay on the ship and work as a sailor , but he was not happy with this travelling life , and finally returned to England .
16 For example , there was a chap I knew who was in Simon House and the rules of the house are that you 've got to stay off the drink , and unfortunately he had a slip and went back on it .
17 He said well you 've got to stay to the end I mean , but do n't stay right to the end , you know sort of
18 Just as before she had needed to stay inside the cottage , fearful that she would miss Johnny if he should come , now she needed to be away , out there where her world was still turning , and people laughed and played and did ordinary things .
19 He had gone to stay during the school holidays with the children of a farmer who was one of his father 's clients .
20 No , I think that we would have liked to have seen more women , I would have liked to have stayed on the Shadow Cabinet , and I would have liked to have seen more women in the Shadow Cabinet , but to say it 's a disaster , and somehow we 've moved away from the path we 've set ourself is simply not the case .
21 Bathsheba had planned to stay at the party for only an hour , and she was in fact preparing to leave when Boldwood found her alone in an upstairs room .
22 Both desperately need to win to stay in the promotion hunt .
23 They 've got to , she 's got to stay on the boat until they 're gon na try and find her somewhere else to sleep
24 ‘ I have enjoyed it so much I have asked to stay in the DES .
25 I have continued to stay at the Abbey of Holy Rood involved in the matter assigned to me .
26 A GROUP of so-called ‘ new age ’ travellers have vowed to stay in the Highlands , in spite of what they claim is continual police harassment .
27 But in recent years some greylag geese have begun to stay over the winter , finding the large re-seeded fields to their liking .
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