Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] at [art] rate of " in BNC.

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1 On the first run the purchaser discovered a number of faults ; the dynamo did not work and the lorry consumed petrol at the rate of 5 m.p.g .
2 Like bats , dolphins emit pulses at a rate of 10–20 per second , increasing the rate to up to 200 per second as they home in on prey .
3 However , in the face of market expectations , the Bank took advantage of a money market shortage on 5 March to buy bills at a rate of discount of 11.75 per cent , 0.5 per cent higher than the previous day 's dealings and about 1 per cent above what markets were anticipating .
4 In the first test zone , the well produced oil at a rate of 1,972 barrels of oil per day and 3.7 million cubic feet of gas .
5 In 1978 and 1980 two independent German studies reported that , in German firms surveyed , robots had replaced workers at the rate of between two and four men per robot per shift .
6 The company has also invested £100,000 in mobile equipment and can now loads ships at the rate of 5,000 tonnes a day .
7 Northampton Town , languishing since Chapman 's departure and losing money at the rate of £30 a week , were open to offers for Fanny Walden .
8 This will mean that goods will cross borders at the rate of VAT levied by the exporting country , and then become subject to the VAT rate of the importing country .
9 For example , between 1971 and 1981 the eight principal cities of the UK were , on average , losing population at a rate of over 1 per cent per annum .
10 Retail giant Sears , known for what the company itself has described as an ‘ aggressive ’ stance on EDI , has been encouraging its suppliers to adopt EDI at a rate of 200 a month .
11 Such holes hardly deserve the epithet black : they really are white hot and are emitting energy at a rate of about ten thousand megawatts .
12 It was certainly not a prohibition on lending money at a rate of interest which can be earned by the recipient .
13 These may then be able to pay a minimum tax charge , equivalent to the current annual licence fee , or may elect to pay tax at a rate of up to 20% .
14 Offshore trading companies are liable to pay tax at a rate of 5% .
15 Crocodiles can lose water at a rate of up to half of that of amphibians ( which have a much more permeable skin , and would greatly suffer from desiccation on land were it not for the safety valve of a reduced urine flow , which passes much of its water content back into the body ) .
16 In the first quarter of 1980 the ICI group was making profits at a rate of six hundred million pounds a year and in the third quarter we posted a loss for only the second time in our history .
17 The sediment would allow diffusion at a rate of only I metre per 10 years , and ocean circulation would take 100 years to introduce radionuclides into the human environment once radionuclides enter the water column .
18 A new machine can provide fully finished documents at a rate of 135 prints per minute with , for example , heat seamed binding .
19 A primordial black hole would release energy at the rate of 6,000 megawatts , equivalent to the output of six large nuclear power plants .
20 In the current term we are receiving requests at the rate of something like twenty five per week and of course that has the implications both in terms
21 People are leaving Paris at the rate of some 20,000 a year , chased out by soaring property prices and the shortage of rental accommodation — especially of flats big enough for a family .
22 They would start construction at the rate of one a year from 1982 onwards , and they would ideally be PWRs .
23 Now unscrupulous logging companies assisted by corrupt officials are destroying forests at the rate of 50 million acres a year .
24 In this action the wife claims maintenance at the rate of £1 10s. a week under the agreement for a period from October 1954 to October 1955 .
25 At the time of writing , the Soviet republics are declaring independence at the rate of about one a day and it must be open to question whether the entries will come from the separate states rather than the USSR next time .
26 I am a Windows fan , and can tell you that it runs applications at a rate of knots most folks just are n't accustomed to .
27 This had meant that couples with incomes in excess of $186,000 paid tax at a rate of 28 per cent , while those in the lower income band , $78,000 to $186,000 , were taxed at 33 per cent .
28 It supports dictation at a rate of over 30 words per minute , which is quite an improvement on the 20 words per minute rate average clocked up non-touch typing executives .
29 A neurone will emit impulses at a rate of from zero up to several hundred per second .
30 The new ore-sorter has over 1000 photoelectric cells to scan rocks at a rate of 500 per second .
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