Example sentences of "[noun] laid down by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Yorkshire Television helicopter , which had lifted the crew in , landed in pitch darkness , totally against the ground rules laid down by the Civil Aviation Authority , and lifted out the film equipment .
2 Both the trial judge and the Court of Appeal applied the law laid down by the Divisional Court of the Queen 's Bench Division in Reg. v. Commissioner for Local Administration , Ex parte Croydon London Borough Council [ 1989 ] 1 All E.R.
3 The rates are ultimately set by the individual authority , but usually within the bands laid down by the National Joint Council for Local Authorities ' Administrative , Professional , Technical and Clerical Services ( LAAPTAC ) .
4 Some of these legendary figures may be dead , so , for instance , the Yorkshire Ripper took up a mantle laid down by the original Ripper in the last century .
5 This reiterates the whole catch-all section 2 of the Official Secrets Act of 1911 , as well as the scale of punishments laid down by the Official Secrets Act of 1920 for those who
6 ‘ In determining any question as to the meaning or effect of any provision contained in Schedule 4 — ( a ) regard shall be had to any relevant principles laid down by the European Court in connection with Title II of the 1968 Convention and to any relevant decision of that court as to the meaning or effect of any provision of that Title ; …
7 South Africa was readmitted to the Olympic Games on March 27 , subject to its being able to satisfy within 30 days conditions laid down by the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) .
8 For two and a half years she has received no medical attention and has thus been denied one of the most basic conditions laid down by the United Nations for the detention of prisoners awaiting trial — namely , the right to choose her own doctor .
9 Their purpose is to activate local debate but on terms laid down by the dominant ideology .
10 They claim for each piece of work done and are paid according to rates laid down by the Dental Estimates Board .
11 First , a calculation based on the wage rates laid down by the National joint Council for the Building Industry ( NJCBI ) in the national working rules .
12 It will not , however , come into effect until 1 July 1994 , eighteen months after the deadline laid down by the Single European Act .
13 Procedures laid down by the International Stock Exchange of the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Limited ( " the Stock Exchange " ) may be relevant if either the vendor or purchaser are quoted companies or are subsidiaries of quoted companies .
14 British Nuclear Fuels has always denied that its operations cause the sort of dangers alleged by its critics , and affirmed that its discharges and exposure levels are kept within the limits laid down by the regulatory authorities .
15 the local community — to decide within the broad financial constraints laid down by the local authority and in accordance with more general policies , what pattern of schooling would be best suited to the needs of the local community .
16 The Acts include a general clause which says that the corporation should keep proper accounting records and should present its accounts in a form laid down by the relevant Secretary of State .
17 So the Minister has to be very clear , when he comes to the Dispatch Box , whether any company applying to take over STG subsidiaries will be required to take on board the specifications laid down by the disabled persons transport advisory committee .
18 They do not only meet the minimum standards laid down by the English Tourist Board but the even higher standards set by the Brighton and Hove Accommodation Standards Joint Committee ( see the Tourist Charter information on page ii ) .
19 Forearm and shin guards must also be worn in accordance with the strict safety standards laid down by the governing body .
20 For his purposes data sheets are ideal and standard tests laid down by the national standards institutions are the methods that he uses .
21 The British attitude had long been clear : the 1951 Conservative government had continued to follow the line laid down by the previous Labour foreign minister , Ernest Bevin , who said in the House of Commons in November 1950 that Britain preferred an expansion of the Treaty of Brussels to serve as the basis of military cooperation within NATO , but would not object to the EDC were it to be established .
22 " The European Council notes that 11 member states desire to continue on the path laid down by the Social Charter in 1989 [ see p. 37132 ] .
23 Procedural due process is a matter of the right procedures for judging whether some citizen has violated laws laid down by the political procedures ; if we accept it as a virtue , we want courts and similar institutions to use procedures of evidence , discovery , and review that promise the right level of accuracy and otherwise treat people accused of violation as people in that position ought to be treated .
24 The LCCI Examinations Board Retailing NVQ Certificate have been developed by the Board to meet the criteria for accreditation laid down by the National Council for Vocational Qualifications .
25 Does the Foreign Secretary accept that there should be general acceptance of the criteria laid down by the European Community on recognition , but that there might be some stricture about the speed of recognition , especially for Yugoslavia ?
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