Example sentences of "[noun] to stand [prep] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The attendant said there was a gentleman already undressing in No. 1 Frederica received no answer to her question about numéro sept , but was given permission to stand in the corridor of the train , which was already sliding away from its platform .
2 But this is not a time for personal pride and stubborn resistance to stand in the way of the cold , hard facts of life .
3 The girl mounted the steps to stand beside the master of ceremonies and they carried on a conversation which , though audible , was unintelligible .
4 When Joseph Parker urged a radical reorganization of the Congregational Union to create a ‘ Congregational Church ’ he asked pointedly , ‘ What right has Congregationalism to stand outside the law of evolution ? ’
5 He listened silently , simply nodding when she had finished He could never marry her and he had no right to stand in the way of any happiness she could find .
6 Sincerely though I respect the wish of hon. Members on both sides of the House to ensure that their constituents can benefit from access to the channel tunnel — I have no desire to stand in the way of their efforts to make that wish come true — I urge that the interests of my constituents , who will have to put up with untold misery for an extended eight-year period , should be given closer consideration than BR has given them hitherto .
7 In practice , however , such is the scope for self-interest to stand in the way of the smooth running of the firm that the right of any one partner to veto some proper alteration should be excluded .
8 It is a marriage of convenience between workers in many fields — archaeologists , geographers , geologists , botanists and zoologists — who do not want the barriers of 19th century subject divisions to stand in the way of understanding the way in which the human environment has evolved , the human role in shaping that environment and the ways in which humans gained a living from it .
9 The women also called on church leaders to stand by the tenets of truth and justice , and be willing to accept criticism of their own policies .
10 In our view it is manifestly not right that councillors should allow their personal opinions on a political or industrial matter to stand in the way of the right of access of the public to all publications which can reasonably be provided .
11 ‘ generally speaking a prosecutor has as much right as a defendant to demand a verdict of a jury on an outstanding indictment , and where either demands a verdict a judge has no jurisdiction to stand in the way of it .
12 However , we remind ourselves of the principles outlined earlier in this judgment and the observation of Lord Morris of Borth-y-Gest in Connelly v. Director of Public Prosecutions [ 1964 ] A.C. 1254 , 1304 , that ‘ generally speaking a prosecutor has as much right as a defendant to demand a verdict of a jury on an outstanding indictment , and where either demands a verdict a judge has no jurisdiction to stand in the way of it . ’
13 Maximilian , rising from his coffin after 6 rounds , orders the adventurers to stand around the perimeter of the magic circle while he and Juliane stand within it , reciting incantations from the scroll .
14 He had not been prepared for John to stand on the floor of the penthouse , complaining .
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