Example sentences of "[noun] to raise [noun sg] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She went along because she did n't like to say no , but also she thought she might meet more people and get involved with the community : ‘ I really enjoyed it , we had a sponsored walk along the canal towpath and pub socials to raise money for the event , plus lots of committee meetings .
2 Regulars from several Hartlepool pubs are due to gather in the Park Hotel today for a 12-hour charity quiz to raise money for the Telethon appeal .
3 They were among a host of stars who donned working aprons to raise cash for the AIDS charity , the Terrence Higgins Trust .
4 Hairflair Editor , Sue Rouse , took a spin to raise money in the Proton Test Drive Campaign .
5 His recent conversion to Christianity , his gruelling exposure to the banking system in his attempt to raise money for the rites , and his position as arbitrator between the old Tominah priests and representatives of the Jakarta government were getting him down .
6 An attempt to raise awareness of the symptoms , which resemble those of flu or measles , will be an important part of the one point two million pound advertising campaign .
7 Having recently completed a company first aid course , P&O Distribution Warehouseman , Terry Phillips , decided to run his first marathon to raise money for the St John Ambulance Service .
8 My grandfather would tell how he and some village musicians persuaded a local sympathiser to part with a lorry with which they toured round Scotland to raise money for the village .
9 The advert was run in New Scientist as part of a campaign to raise awareness of the applicability of a chemistry education to many fields of employment , ‘ from accountancy to zoology ’ ( hence the dolphin ) .
10 The Methodist chapel stands on the site of an 1815 building , and there is at present a vigorous campaign to raise money for the restoration of the church .
11 Sandy Lyle has launched a Stableford competition for club golfers to raise money for the Paul O'Gorman Foundation , which raises money for children with leukaemia .
12 She visited the sick , made gifts for the poor , and ran bazaars to raise money for the church .
13 Julie , from Minors Crescent , Cockerton , Darlington , will go up in a glider to raise money for the Darlington Meningitis Support Group .
14 3 There needs to be a major initiative to raise consciousness about the nature of writing and written text .
15 Efforts in earlier years to raise money from the City had proved fruitless .
16 Faced with this failure to raise output through the wage rate , it became advantageous to the manufacturer to set up central spinning and weaving factories in order to reduce the rising cost of merchants travelling ever more extensively in search of additional putting-out workers .
17 The event is being organised by the Kensington & Chelsea National Trust Association with the help of Phillips auctioneers to raise money for the Stowe Landscape Gardens Appeal .
18 The disinherited lords themselves were ruined by Edward Balliol 's failure to hold his kingdom : Gilbert de Umfraville , for example , titular Earl of Angus , had had to mortgage a number of his manors to raise money for the invasion of Scotland and he never recovered from the collapse of his cause .
19 Dr Duncan Macmillan said he was supporting the university 's proposals to sell either a 16th-century bronze , Cain and Abel by de Vries , or a 17th-century landscape , The Banks of a River by van Ruisdael , because of a desperate need to raise money for the care of the remainder of the collection .
20 Today at 3pm at the Mary Peters Track the national children 's fun run for youngsters under-16 will be held with the aim to raise cash for the Ulster Sports Trust .
21 A dance will be held in Eppleby on Saturday night to raise money for the village hall funds .
22 Thus it is not an easy task facing those working in the UK to raise awareness about the causes of world poverty , and the dangers to the planet of Western hegemonic over-development , and the present economic order .
23 A 70s disco is being held at the Village Hall on Friday between 8pm and midnight to raise money for the playgroup .
24 This may make it more difficult for these firms to raise finance in the future : the Stirling study will cover both these questions .
25 NSPCC brass FIVE young brass players will be appearing in the Long Room of Eaton Hall next week to raise money for the NSPCC .
26 More than 60 people responded to an invitation to a meeting at Richmond Town Hall last month to raise awareness of the work and developments of Darlington and District Hospice Movement .
27 Mrs Froggatt organised bring and buy sales to raise cash for the organisation , but after she 'd sent off a check for more than three hundred pounds she heard nothing more .
28 For some years direct taxation ceased to be contentious , and much the bitterest arguments in the 1340s arose over the taxation of wool and the king 's manipulation of the wool trade to raise money for the war .
29 With the child 's consent the video was shown to the secondary school 's staff to raise awareness of the child 's needs and at the same time to identify the staff 's anxieties and areas for future staff development .
30 A garden party will be held at 52 Trinity Road , Darlington , home of Barbara Clarke , on Saturday June 20 between 10am and midday to raise money for the Darlington branch of Mind .
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