Example sentences of "[noun] represents a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For Piaget , the activity of play represents a major advance in the ability of the child to control its own environment and engage in a variety of strategies .
2 Because the scale is logarithmic , each whole number increment represents a tenfold change in acidity ; thus , solutions of pH 6 , 5 and 4 contain 1 , 10 and 100 microequivalents of acidity ( Hsup+ ; ) per litre respectively ( abbreviated u eq/l ) as illustrated in figure 4.2 .
3 Restructuring grant represents a specific commitment by the Government to the work force .
4 Sums of money I am describing tonight are large , revenue and capital spending combined , of over three thousand million pounds is many times the amount spent by quangos in Wales outside the health service and the grant represents a large share of my total budget for Wales and I hope members opposite are not suggesting I should cut spending on health , that is a vital service which I thought they supported as well .
5 ( b ) The " due diligence " defence The " due diligence " defence represents a crucial difference between the idea of strict civil liability , under Pt I , and criminal liability , under Pt II of the CPA 1987 .
6 Consumer protection represents an important plank in the evolving structure of Community law and several Directives have been issued in this field , including Directives relating to consumer credit and doorstep transactions .
7 Again , this absolute reduction represents a relative fall of seven author articles of more than 50% when compared with the frequency of six author articles ( fig 4 ) .
8 For those tiring of today 's political grand prix scene , Gerald Donaldson 's Gilles Villeneuve — The Life of the Legendary Racing Driver represents a long-overdue memorial to the heroic Canadian driver who was killed seven years ago practising in his Ferrari for the Belgian Grand Prix .
9 The figures show that agriculture represents a major industry for Scotland .
10 How schools set about developing the statutory orders in the context of whole — curriculum policies represents a significant challenge for leadership and , not the least in primary schools , the strategies adopted by headteachers .
11 This new settlement represents a net increase of $25 million over the previously-agreed total [ see ED nos. 45 and 46 ] , which was rejected by the Alaska House of Representatives as an inadequate reflection of Exxon 's criminal liability .
12 The GRIST funding represents a timely response to addressing these issues , although a cautionary note has to be sounded — if the curriculum is not considered satisfactory for four years olds in general , what of its relevance for four year olds with special needs ?
13 The local government legislation of the Thatcher administration represents a marked change in Conservative policy .
14 The policing of processions , marches , demonstrations and meetings of various sorts represents a considerable call on modern police resources , especially in the Metropolitan Police area of London , whose central location makes it particularly attractive to groups wishing to express a point of view in public .
15 This approach stems from a strongly held belief that voluntary action represents a major force for positive environmental change .
16 The methodology represents a significant change in the development of computing systems away from the technology , in particular , hardware and software ( including programming techniques and algorithms ) , and towards data and the way it is structured .
17 The boundary between the mantle and crust represents a significant change in rock density but there may also be differences in chemical composition .
18 The investment represents a personal victory for the city 's Principal Arts Officer , Elizabeth Goodall , who has led a long campaign to educate local politicians of the cultural and economic rewards to be reaped from properly investing in the visual arts infrastructure .
19 The current figure represents a dramatic retreat from the situation of the early 1970s when large government deficits were financed by the sale of public sector debt ( bills and bonds ) to the banking sector .
20 Radiographs of the various individual heads taken for the Museum of Modern Art show that originally the faces of the figures at the right were painted in the same idiom as that of the figure at the left.1 Since the head of the standing figure represents an intermediate stage between that of the figure at the left and the one directly below it , it follows that the squatting figure , the still life and the drapery at the right were the last parts of the picture to be painted .
21 Barrett 's oesophagus represents a metaplastic transformation of the normal squamous cell epithelium of the lower tubular oesophagus into columnar epithelium .
22 In broad terms , because soft systems thinking represents a unique way of encouraging an observer to learn about a situation , it should appeal to virtually anyone who has an enquiring mind , a notion reflected in the closing paragraphs of Systems Thinking , Systems practice ; as I have made frequent reference to this work throughout , it seems appropriate to finish my book with the following quote from Professor Peter Checkland , who says about soft systems thinking :
23 Clothing is one of the largest sectors of UK industry and is particularly important in Northern Ireland , where total employment in the industry represents a substantial proportion of all those employed in manufacturing .
24 Scotland represents an interesting arena for research on corporatism because of its distinctive history , separate legal system and institutions .
25 If the change to the new production process is costless , then halving the number employed to produce the widgets represents a commensurate saving in the wage bill .
26 Much of the owner-occupation sector represents a recent addition to national wealth ; from 26.6 per cent in 1957 to 36.5 per cent of all wealth by 1985 — a 37 per cent increase in thirty years ( Sam Brittan , ‘ Keeping an eye on the national wealth ’ , Financial Times , 16 July 1987 ) , and this wealth has been much more equitably spread than has industrial wealth .
27 Nevertheless , Clements ' philosophy represents a notable extension of nineteenth-century developmental attitudes into the early decades of the new century .
28 Yet the plan represents an important break with the past .
29 Clearly the identification of blocks represents an important area of work within the counselling process , and when successfully tackled can reveal a wealth of information , and the reason and meaning behind much previously misunderstood behaviour .
30 ICI believes that the Environmental Protection Act represents a major opportunity for good environmental performance in the future .
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