Example sentences of "[noun] to support [pron] [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Anderson has been using the case to support his argument for a change in the law to allow suppliers to recover goods supplied to a customer who goes out of business before paying for them .
2 The section prohibits canvassing in the sense of the attempt of an applicant or of another person at his instigation to influence a member of a licensing board to support his application for a grant , renewal or permanent transfer of a licence , or for a regular extension of permitted hours before the application is considered by the board ( subs .
3 The report lists dozens of safety violations and incidents of sabotage discovered by Blush 's staff to support his argument for the office 's continuing existence .
4 The team from Junior Chamber Aberdeen , won £500 and £1,500 of management consultancy from the sponsors to support their plan for a proposed holistic health centre .
5 ‘ We appeal to anyone with an interest in British justice to support our demand for an immediate independent inquiry into the RUC frame-ups and present use of supergrasses , ’ said the CPFJC statement .
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