Example sentences of "[noun] believes that [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example , Conway Morris of Cambridge University 's Earth Science Department believes that the comparative emptiness of the early oceans indicates minimal inter-group rivalry , but that 520 million years ago the competition began to hot up , and the basic animal groups , evidenced from parts of the fossil record of Northern America and Australia , were reduced from 55 to around 35 .
2 If the court on review believes that the requisite situation spoken of in the statute did not exist then the conclusion reached by the tribunal will be a nullity .
3 You say that the District Council believes that the two sites to the north of Church Lane Skelton should be excluded from the greenbelt and included in the inset for the village .
4 So the point erm I wish to make erm on er Mr 's observations , is that it 's not the strategy of the structure plan was not simply erm to seek an initial reduction erm in the rate of residential development in the county and then that roll that rate forward in progressive erm amendments to the structure plan , Hambleton District Council believes that the logical interpretation of these statements is that a progressive reduction er in house building and the rates of migration should be sought through subsequent alterations to the plan .
5 If a coach believes that the black sportsman he is helping to prepare is naturally endowed with the physical equipment to produce fast sprints or hard jabs , or mazy runs through defences , it will affect his judgment as to the areas of speciality into which he should channel the efforts of that sportsman .
6 The Stock Exchange believes that every listed company should report on its compliance with the code of best practice drafted by the Cadbury Committee , but it does not intend to require compliance .
7 Daikin believes that the two parties have an important starting point .
8 Mr McKiernan believes that the economic climate of the early 1990s has placed a new emphasis upon the value of credit information .
9 Although having worked as a contract systems analyst for ICI , Matthew believes that a small company can operate much more efficiently than a large one .
10 Because Redken believes that the professional stylist is the best person to advise and prescribe for all your hair care needs .
11 The great weight of Scottish opinion believes that the distinctive nature of Scottish life , with its own legal system , its own philosophy on education and its own traditions , is insufficiently recognised by the United Kingdom Parliament .
12 One prominent scholar of Italian paintings believes that the National Gallery was ill served by the loan which seems to have been a rather persuasive pre-sale exhibition for the benefit of Lady Cook .
13 He also claims that it is desirable to think ‘ intuitively ’ and not by logical steps , but again logic is the exception not the rule in human thought and all the greatest scientific discoveries have been made by the use of informed intuition , Ornstein believes that the right hemisphere is underdeveloped in Western man and the spiritual growth depends on expanding its activities .
14 Whannel believes that the main reason why this terminology has taken such an enduring grip is that it is being used to serve the commercial interests of Football League and club officials as part of a hidden agenda to attract a new type of football audience ( the ‘ family audience ’ ) and thereby solve the game 's economic crisis .
15 Having said this , and conscious of the arguments advanced in this Report against excluding non-believers , the Commission believes that the musical director needs to have some Christian commitment .
16 The distinguished Scots ecologist Adam Watson believes that the native pinewoods can not even survive without a great initial reduction in deer numbers followed by a regular programme of culling .
17 No one who is serious about urban planning believes that a linear city stretching for mile after mile on both sides of the Thames will ever be built .
18 AI believes that the 1986 law should be reviewed to ensure that it does not lead to the imprisonment of prisoners of conscience .
19 Mrs Postance believes that the heavy digging already completed to prepare the ground for the national curriculum has had a beneficial effect , at least on the teachers , even if the children have yet to reap the harvest : ‘ It 's focused our minds on what we are teaching .
20 Chief Executive , Peter Parris believes that the new company combines the strengths of both organisations in what will be an unrivalled package .
21 Dr Bailey believes that the new structure will bring important strategic benefits in the decade ahead .
22 Mrs Thatcher believes that an Anglo-German alliance could be forged to scupper some , if not all , of stages two and three of the Delors report .
23 Cairns-Smith believes that the original life on this planet was based on self-replicating inorganic crystals such as silicates .
24 Age Concern believes that a national energy strategy is required to improve standards of insulation and energy conservation and to reduce the high costs of heating which deter poorer consumers from keeping themselves warm .
25 Age Concern believes that the basic state pension should be equal to one third average earnings for a single pension and one half for a couple .
26 These time limits are extremely important , because if the planning permission lapses there is no certainty that it will be re-granted , and going to appeal may well not help if the Secretary of State believes that the original consent should not have been granted .
27 TNC believes that a clearer specification of the curriculum , combined with attainment targets which are assessed within a framework of greater accountability , is enough to raise levels of achievement — by a combination of a clearer specification of the levels of achievement to be reached , and external pressure on teachers to deliver the results .
28 Easthope believes that the modernist concept of ‘ impersonality ’ , later systematized in the New Criticism , and theorized by Wimsatt and Beardsley in their famous essay ‘ The Intentional Fallacy ’ , was on the right lines , but did not go far enough , as the author was not really banished .
29 Jane Austen believes that a good marriage depends on the marriage possessing a balance of affection between both the man and the woman .
30 Tejwani believes that the small size of agricultural landholdings and their fragmentation is a major obstacle to the implementation of soil conservation measures in the Indian Himalaya .
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