Example sentences of "[noun] drawn [adv prt] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The " full recovery plan " would set aside 5.4 million acres , at a cost of 32,000 jobs in the timber industry : an alternative drawn up on the instructions of Interior Secretary Manual Lujan would protect 2.8 million acres but result in the loss of 15,000 logging jobs .
2 She was frowning , deep lines appearing between her eyebrows , mouth drawn down at the edges so that instead of a classically good-looking slim English Rose in her late twenties , she looked faded , years older than her real age , and shrewish .
3 Ruth got into bed and sat there , knees drawn up under the covers .
4 Superimposed on this map of things as they were , one sometimes finds the lines drawn in by the commissioners showing where they propose to create the new fields and hedges , and the new roads , public and private .
5 These occur twice a day and may not , under rules drawn up by the journalists themselves , be mentioned in print .
6 With a little wave of his hand he indicated that his officials and guests should take a pace or two backward into the aisle between the adjoining rows of pillars to clear the way between the throne and the open doors , and the next moment the ranks of singers and musicians drawn up around the walls of the courtyard outside burst into a plaintive musical chant .
7 The radical programmes drawn up by the experts were severely qualified .
8 The traditional lobola payments were rarely made and no contract drawn up between the families .
9 Paul lay in the sunlight curled up into a little ball , quite still , and Blyth was lying on his stomach , hands under his cheek , the stump of his left leg drawn up in the flowers and the grass , sticking out from his shorts like some monstrous erection .
10 He recently drew up an ethics policy for United Biscuits , which he expects all his managers to endorse , because ‘ as a business becomes bigger and bigger — we now have operations in Japan , America and Belgium as well as the UK — I think the family ethics drawn up by the founders can gradually get eroded or watered down . ’
11 The accusation came after Mr John Gummer , the Agriculture Minister — under fierce Labour and consumer group pressure — produced a list drawn up by the manufacturers on the 70 microwave oven models tested by Government scientists .
12 Instead , Mr Gummer told the House of Commons the list drawn up by the manufacturers themselves contained new instructions which would make all the machines ‘ perfectly safe in use . ’
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