Example sentences of "[noun] standing [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The taut legs standing out from the body at all angles , some hideously broken like twigs thrown carelessly on a bonfire , others still moving feebly .
2 He pushed open the arched wooden door of his house and went in , leaving Ruth standing out on the terrace .
3 It 's the nicest site around and from the surrounding countryside you 'd have seen the white mounds of the burial sites standing out against the sky , right against the heavens
4 At the same time the building of what were to become bastions , towers standing out from the line of the wall , enabled defenders to fire all round , and in particular laterally , against approaching men or machines , as the design for Bodiam Castle in Sussex , which , like Cooling Castle in Kent , was built at the time of the French invasion scares of the 1380s , clearly shows .
5 The Laurels was a very nice house on the edge of the town standing back from the road in a large garden .
6 He 's far more likely to catch a chill standing about at a show or in the hunting field than after a bath , as long as you take the right precautions .
7 THE airpass holder who whinged to the Dallas check-in clerk that she had spent all day standing by for a flight out of one of America 's less attractive airports was gently chastised .
8 The more he thought of the two carpet-baggers standing up at the podium , the more intense the pains in his head became .
9 At least The Mission have n't turned into redundant dinosaurs like those bastards The Cult , although ‘ Hands Across The Ocean ’ is fairly ordinary goff fare with only Hussey 's clear cut vocals standing out of the mix .
10 At least The Mission have n't turned into redundant dinosaurs like those bastards The Cult , although ‘ Hands Across The Ocean ’ is fairly ordinary goff fare with only Hussey 's clear cut vocals standing out of the mix .
11 Several thousand people standing about in a series of large rooms surrounded by mirrors , so that the entire world appears to be peopled with morning suits and ladies ' hats sipping champagne .
12 In the north can be found lush greenery standing out in the bottom of the valleys that carve down through the mountains , and fields of banana plantations standing against the backdrop of Mount Teide , the island 's dormant volcano .
13 This is particularly the case when as here , they are preserved in dark shales , the white calcite of the animal 's skeleton standing out against the background .
14 This mill was built of brick instead of stone like the Old Mill in the village , and the original six-storey building survives among the extensions built around it , with Arkwright 's peculiar staircase projection with Venetian and small semi-circular windows standing out from the sea of square-headed windows on either side , and with a cupola above .
15 And you probably ai n't gon na wan na leave your friends standing around on a football field .
16 All around my rooftop pavilion could be seen other fragmentary remains of the Jahanpanah which Ibn Battuta would have known : a series of fragile mediaeval islands standing out amid the sea of modern sprawl .
17 MATTHEW HOWE standing back from the road nearby is thought to date from between 1665 and 1700 .
18 I spent the morning sitting on the floor and the afternoon standing up at the shelf .
19 Even while Dick was lowering Martin to the ground , he had his head turned in the direction of the dark blur standing out against the night and it was only a matter of seconds before he raised himself and his gun towards it .
20 ‘ I do n't want any bloody lunch , ’ said Dyson , thinking of the usual crowd standing round in the Gates .
21 If doubt can conjure up images of heroism ( the David of Doubt standing up to the Goliath of Lies ) , it can just as easily represent what is most cowardly , indecisive and dictatorial in us all .
22 Gust becos I cud not spel It did not mean I was daft When the boys in school red my riting Some of them laffed But now I am the dictater They have to rite like me Utherwise they can not pas Ther GCSE Some of the girls wer ok But those who laffed a lot Have al bean rownded up And have recintly bean shot The teecher who corrected my speling As not been shot at al But four the last fifteen howers As bean standing up against a wal He has to stand ther until he can spel Figgymisgrugifooniyn the rite way I think he will stand ther forever I just inventid it today
23 Horowitz then walked the last hundred yards to the decrepit villa standing back from the airport highway , pushed open the left-hand iron grille gate .
24 She saw Charlton Heston standing up in a jeep , dressed as a desert general , his shirt open to the waist , binoculars hanging against his hairy chest .
25 But now the first thing I saw were the lines on his face standing out like the lines on a charcoal drawing .
26 But at the end of the road was the big white house where Edward Morris lived , a gracious house standing out from the others because it sported white railings which guarded the small , well-kept garden .
27 ‘ We have always been a very tired family , ’ Finch said loftily to Henry , both aged twenty-eight , Finch lying back in a large bed with his cello on his ex-girl friend 's pillow and Henry standing up by the gas fire .
28 Lefevre spent much of his time standing about in the street outside the theatre to no avail , whilst Thiercelin wasted a day and a half following up a couple of false trails supplied by articles in the local newssheet .
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