Example sentences of "[noun] called for an [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The committee called for an increased R&D effort and a more imaginative approach to research from government ( Hew Scientist , 10 March , p 634 ) .
2 He was replaced on an interim basis by his deputy , Faruq Dahruj , and the LCP central committee called for an extraordinary conference to discuss the party 's political plan and organizational structure , change the party 's name and elect a new leadership .
3 The Security Council plan called for an initial ceasefire followed by phased disarmament .
4 A political statement released by the PNC at the end of the session called for an international conference on the Middle East , under UN supervision , to be convened on the basis of UN Security Council Resolutions 242 ( 1967 — see pp. 22473 ; 25029 ; 34898 ) and 338 ( 1973 — see p. 26197 ) , and the guaranteeing of the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people , of which the most important was " the right to self-determination " .
5 In the report , Amnesty called for an urgent review of the guidelines under which troops were permitted to open fire .
6 In January 1990 members of the European Parliament called for an immediate suspension of all scientific co-operation projects between Israel and the EC , amidst plans for a doubling of direct EC aid to the occupied territories to US$12,000,000 a year by 1992 [ see also p. 37627 ] .
7 On the same day , Italy and Austria called for a meeting of the Conflict Prevention Centre of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe [ see also p. 38314 ] ; the EC 's European Parliament called for an immediate meeting of CSCE foreign ministers ; and German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher proposed invocation of the CSCE emergency procedure agreed the previous week .
8 The European Parliament called for an independent inquiry and proposed an arms embargo on Indonesia .
9 The Orthodox Patriarch of Serbia and the Roman Catholic Primate of Croatia appealed for peace , while the Serbian opposition leader Vuk Draskovic called for an anti-war demonstration to be held in Belgrade .
10 At the Black Sea Summit on June 25 [ see p. 38980 ] , after the first presidential negotiations on the Dnestr issue between Moldova , Russia , Ukraine and Romania , a communiqué called for an immediate ceasefire .
11 AI called for an independent investigation into ‘ Akkawi 's death and urged Prime Minister Shamir to intervene swiftly to stop torture and ill-treatment .
12 In the Costa Rica talks the government called for an immediate cessation of hostilities on both sides and the total demobilization of all FMLN forces before reforms and the integration of the FMLN into political life could begin .
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