Example sentences of "[noun] to see [pron] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Most parents can identify the first phase of interaction with their child , that is they can see what the child is doing that is irritating and they see how they react , but rarely do they then follow through the interaction to see what happens at the end .
2 She insisted on knowing who her intruder was , and so she would wait down by the car to see who emerged from the building .
3 He felt the glass being tweaked from his fingers and opened his eyes to see her disappearing into the kitchen .
4 PWL 's managing director David Howells entered the debate on Kylie 's future by insisting she had the qualities to see her endure in the same way pop 's Peter Pan Cliff Richard had .
5 Heading north or south , try a little banking movement to see what happens to the reading .
6 But how are we to cut through the political rhetoric to see what lies behind the disagreement ?
7 It was particularly galling for the greens to see themselves overtaken by the extreme right National Front , which was being credited last night with 12.5 per cent of the vote but was not expected to win more than a couple of seats .
8 Some amateur rose-growers are not interested , but more than just a few regard hybridizing and crossing their roses to see what happens as the summit of the rose-grower 's art , so here is a short discourse for them on this delightful aspect of rose growing .
9 She breathed relief and opened her eyes just in time to see him disappear through the wire gate .
10 Then at the last minute she swung round , her heart bursting inside her , just in time to see him disappear through the terrace doors .
11 It was 03.17 and I was just in time to see him climb into a waiting car and drive off .
12 Dr Livesey came out of the house in time to see me climbing into the stockade , and my friends welcomed me happily .
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