Example sentences of "[noun] make up the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Not surprisingly , for a country which is second only to Russia for the scale of its distances ( and second to no country but Norway on a per capita energy consumption basis ) motor fuels make up the largest element of oil consumption .
2 Mr Ishaq has also been at work on the Sindh assembly , in which Miss Bhutto 's supporters make up the biggest group .
3 Six staff and one agent make up the full complement which , as Anders Falkman said , ‘ has strength in a team approach , it is all hands on deck and a good atmosphere ’ .
4 Three classes make up the primary department , while there are two in the secondary department .
5 The positive energy partner , which is a normal photon , travels freely outward , and such outgoing photons make up the Hawking radiation .
6 In the case of the Anglican Church , whose buildings make up the largest group of ecclesiastical structures , there exists a quite involved and considered procedure which is defined by the Pastoral Measure of 1983 .
7 Former county champion Lindsay Taylor is fifth while Steven Souter , Jevon Chan and Steven Cooper make up the eight seeds .
8 Lymphocytes make up the predominating population of cells in site of florid chronic inflammation with many of the cells in a metabolically activated form .
9 In addition to the teachers themselves , many other people make up the human context in which the curriculum operates : supervisors , inspectors , administrators , managers and many more .
10 Cassiopeia is crossed by the Milky Way , and the five leading stars make up the familiar W or M pattern : Gamma ( 2.2 , though variable ) , Alpha ( also 2.2 , slightly variable ) , Beta ( 2.3 ) , Delta ( 2.7 ) and Epsilon ( 3.4 ) .
11 The choline-containing phospholipids make up the major fraction of the lipid exposed at the cell surface , while the negatively charged phospholipids are confined to the cytoplasmic surface of the bilayer .
12 In FE centres , National Certificate Modules make up the main part of the curriculum , whilst in schools , modules are used mainly to supplement other courses and as taster or enrichment courses .
13 In everyday conversation , this rarely happens , and even if it does , there is certainly no guarantee that the sentence will have come to an end — because , after the pause , there may be a conjunction , such as the word because — or one such as or — which , as in the case of relative pronouns , can keep a sentence moving on , along with any parentheses and subordinate clauses that the speaker thinks fit to introduce , and of course not forgetting the coordinate clauses which in fact make up the vast majority of the cases that we encounter when we start analysing real conversational speech , and which , as I said at the outset , provide a great deal of the interest when we go in search of English — if you recall .
14 Taken together with the measurement of the gravitational spectral shift these measurements make up the classical tests of GR .
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