Example sentences of "[noun] told [pers pn] [conj] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ( Ahmet told me that the next one was lovelier still ) .
2 ‘ I 've heard on t' Brownie gals , ’ Aunt Nellie told her when the tall lady had driven off in her smart two-seater sports-car , ‘ but I don' reckon they do the sort o' good turns I 'd set store by — like helpin' wash up an' lay t' table — that I don' ! ’
3 Instead , a sleepy purring trill told her that the dozing house cat — it was the long-haired one , named after Bubastis , and almost a pet — had mistaken her clumsiness for a caress ; she had barely disturbed its sleep .
4 When we neared the outskirts of Donegal Town , the driver told me that the former maid suspected young Mulverin of pillaging the Big House for building material .
5 With great glee Odd-Knut told us that the fat Germans showered ten times every day for a week and still reeked of rotten whale .
6 Chris Morris told me that the other group had got caught in Basra because they had lost touch with reality briefly and got careless . ’
7 And now his experienced eye told him that the foremost ranks could be reached , but still he did not move , nor did any of the bowmen loose .
8 The idea for this book began in the back of a taxi , the night a friend told me that a famous Scottish football manager had enjoyed rampant sex in a television studio with a well known TV presenter .
9 ‘ A friend told me that the only adjective that describes the British is ‘ opaque ’ .
10 When I visited the Edison National Historic Site a few years ago , my guide told me that the full resources of his employer ( the United States Government ) had failed to break one ; but to find out exactly what was inside the quarter-inch slab , they had borrowed a diamond saw and cut one in half .
11 However , Daphne told me that the tall spikes of flowers , resembling yellow lupins , last better if stem-rotting bacteria can be kept at bay .
12 Directory Enquiries told me that the British Humanist Association lived in Prince of Wales Terrace , in Kensington .
13 The other women in the cast were students , and Poole told me that the other four soldiers were part-time dancers ‘ who came in the evenings from their offices ’ .
14 That was done and counsel for the appellant told us that the disclosed documents had proved vital to the presentation of the appellant 's case .
15 Self-preservation told her that a whole lifetime might not be enough .
16 Lawyer D told her that a jointly-owned house would become the sole property of her husband after her death , and she could not in any way guarantee her share of the money invested in it for her children .
17 The second prejudice against dissection was held by religious people who took in a literal sense the resurrection of the body , and had an emotional commitment to this doctrine , even if intellect told them that an incomplete body could be no bar to the miracle of rising from the grave with the sounding of the last trump .
18 An argument developed because Mr Brown told her that the new chauffeur the company had just taken on could use her car while she was away , as the car that had been ordered for him had not arrived .
19 Once , when stationed at Pulham in Norfolk , his commanding officer told him that a naval airship was drifting from the North Sea entirely out of control , as both its engines had broken down .
20 Her new sense of time told her that a scant three minutes had passed since landing .
21 When phoned , the office told us that no such girl worked there .
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