Example sentences of "[noun] likely [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is still a high integration workload and the business has to look further out into the future to enable it to respond to the changes and opportunities likely to occur in the industry .
2 So we need to identify to what extent the o the quotes problem erm is cau is , is skewing the figures primarily to be able to get a forecast view of , okay what 's the overtime likely to do over the year ?
3 Well certainly examinations should only be carried out where er there is a benefit likely to accrue to the patient , and er this should always be greater than the risk from the radiation itself .
4 Proposals likely to lead to the development of ideas or resources of use to others will be given priority .
5 Breton and Wintrobe also question the assumptions about legislative behaviour and point to a further complication likely to arise from the recommendation to introduce competition into government administration .
6 They do however differ greatly in their components : the kind of subelements likely to appear within the divisions of a dictionary ( for example ) will be entirely different from those likely to appear within the divisions of a letter or a novel .
7 Sotheby 's open the Impressionist season with Matisse 's ‘ Fatma , la mulatresse ’ painted in 1912 and one of the few pictures of this period likely to come on the market .
8 ( 1 ) ( a ) A licensing board shall refuse an application of the type described in subsection ( 2 ) below if it finds that one or more of the following grounds for refusal , being competent grounds , applies to it ( in ) that the applicant , or the person on whose behalf or for whose benefit the applicant will manage the premises or , in the case of an application to which section 11 of this Act applies , the applicant or the employee or agent named in the application is not a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence ; ( b ) that the premises to which an application relates are not suitable or convenient for the sale of alcoholic liquor , having regard to their location , their character and condition , the nature and extent of the proposed use of the premises , and the persons likely to resort to the premises ; ( c ) that the use of the premises for the sale of alcoholic liquor is likely to cause undue public nuisance , or a threat to public order and safety ; ( d ) that , having regard to the facilities of the same or similar kind already available in the locality , or to facilities of the same or similar kind , in respect of which the provisional grant of a new licence is in force , which are to be provided in the locality , the grant of an application would result in the Over-provision of such facilities ; and otherwise shall grant the application .
9 It is only too easy to find minor errors in a publication which contains so many names and so much information , but these are the very features likely to lead to the book being treated as a reference by local historians for years to come .
10 Remove any foliage likely to come below the water line .
11 This figure is non-committal as to the precise mechanism likely to lead to the generation of passive margin upwarps as it illustrates secondary convection as well as non-uniform ( depth-dependent extension ) and the effects of lateral heat flow into unthinned lithosphere .
12 But , whatever type of regime is decided upon , locking up 12- to 15-year-olds on the scale likely to result from the Government 's present proposals is an excessive reaction .
13 political and economic conditions abroad which has declined the constraint on exports in six out of , out of er the eleven regions , you see no evidence of any impending constraints likely to trip up the recovery .
14 Security along the frontier would be strengthened and information likely to lead to the capture of criminals and deserters would be exchanged .
15 Attitudes concerning the frankness and balance in evaluation likely to result from the use of the scheme were generally slightly negative .
16 To investigate the technical and political obstacles likely to bear upon the emergence of a multilateral military space effort within Europe .
17 Speakers will explore the pressures affecting UK businesses , and consider the economic and regulatory regimes likely to exist in the future .
18 as if in recognition of the inherent limitations of the appeals system in this respect , the Magistrates ' Association issued a set of national guide-lines , in 1999 , which set out for the first time a scale of recommended penalties covering the 25 commonest offence types likely to come before the magistrates , together with guidance on the approach to be adopted for different degrees of seriousness .
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