Example sentences of "[noun] can [adv] [be] considered as " in BNC.

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1 In the latter two cases the probe distances should be interpreted just as dissimilarities since the probes can not be considered as points in comparison with the clones .
2 These primary silhouettes can thus be considered as two-dimensional lamina representations drawn on the orthogonal planes of the geometric domains .
3 The larger C. macracanthum can even be considered as it is relatively peaceful for its size .
4 The excursions of the domains can thus be considered as simple flat surfaces existing in the local orthogonal plane .
5 Cellulose can not be considered as either weak or brittle yet it is chemically a sugar , being made by stringing glucose molecules together .
6 For the above reasons and those contained in the speech of my noble and learned friend , Lord Templeman , which I have had the privilege of reading in draft , I would allow this appeal on the ground that the courts are entitled to substitute some different protection in place of the privilege against self-incrimination , providing that such protection can properly be considered as adequate protection .
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