Example sentences of "[noun] has been a [adj] success " in BNC.

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1 I very much agree with my hon. Friend that local management of schools has been a great success .
2 And a handful of critics is beginning to wonder whether Ireland has not concentrated a little too hard on attracting inward investors at the expense of building a strong home-grown computer and electronics industry : after all , the policy of rallying all centres of higher education to turn out highly-skilled hardware and software engineers has been a great success , but should n't more of those people be working for Irish companies ?
3 Of all its international forays , only Hongkong Bank of Canada has been a clear success .
4 Roger Snowden , managing director of the Fine Chemicals division , said ‘ Buckhaven has been a true success story .
5 With a trading profit for C&P last year of £473 million on sales of £4.2 billion [ 9 per cent up on 1986 ] , there can now be no doubt that the move has been a great success and that the thinking behind it was sound .
6 Whenever they gather in private , he is berated for the economic mess in which their political fortunes are floundering , although in public , as hon. Members know only too well , the fiction is resolutely maintained that Conservative economic policy has been a continuing success .
7 Yet , overall , parole has been a substantial success in terms of successful supervision in the community .
8 The pirate recording of the Berlin Lucia has been a huge success on LP and even now on CD .
9 The centre has been a great success since opening its doors a year ago and looks forward to celebrating many more birthdays .
10 The second operation has been a complete success . ’
11 British Coal spokesman Eddie Mardell said : ‘ The police operation has been a complete success .
12 Held at the Stadium Youth and Community Centre in the Shankill , the crime-busting project has been a major success to date — with eight out of 11 young people getting jobs .
13 HyperCard has been a huge success , both because it combines power and ease-of-use so well and because Apple have given the software away bundled with every Macintosh sold since 1987 .
14 A DIGITAL counting system to prevent overcrowding at Perry 's Brasserie in Beaumont Street , Darlington has been a great success , staff said yesterday The scheme was introduced last month after environmental health inspectors made a surprise visit and found about 930 people inside the capacity is 725 .
15 Since then single malt has been a great success , but Mr Sandy feels that the Treasury is exploiting it : ‘ Of course we were glad that the Chancellor decided not to increase excise on whisky , but last week 's Budget has not made things right .
16 Our opener this year has been a runaway success in the States where the box office success of this relatively low budget film has taken everyone by surprise .
17 The business sponsorship incentive scheme has been a great success and I am giving further encouragement to sponsorship of the arts by increasing its budget by £1 million a year to £4.5 million .
18 ‘ The scheme has been a great success — so much so we have decided to continue it , ’ he said .
19 The Government 's introduction of general practitioner fundholding has been a clear success , a fact confirmed in the independent academic research undertaken by Professor Glennerster of the London school of economics reported today by the King 's Fund .
20 Is my right hon. Friend aware that the fund-holding system has been a spectacular success — so much so that many of the more trendy , intellectual GPs who were initially sceptical of it now welcome it more and more with open arms ?
21 On each occasion the initial stage has been a dramatic success and the final outcome a categorical failure — responsible in my judgment for the defeat both of Mr Heath 's and Mr Callaghan 's governments .
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