Example sentences of "[noun] at [art] present time [be] " in BNC.

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1 One discouraging aspect of the relations between nations at the present time is that there is little indication of a decline in nationalist sentiment or in the fervour with which particular national interests are pursued .
2 There is little disagreement with the view that the principal public interest issue at the present time is the quality of audit-ing .
3 The most economically prosperous parts of the UK at the present time are widely regarded as the towns and cities located on a broad axis extending from Cambridgeshire to Dorset and Avon .
4 The rise of the lay colleges at the present time is largely the fault of the medical profession itself , a result of its consistent disregard for this approach to treatment so that the demand for it far outweighs the practitioners available to supply that demand .
5 He said no one working for the Post Office at Middleton at the present time was in any way part of the investigation .
6 The average consumption of fat in the Western world at the present time is about 130 grams ( over 4½ ounces ) a day per person .
7 Probably the most common type of conversion project at the present time is the adaptation of a mill or warehouse into a block of dwellings .
8 One of the chief causes at the present time was the increase in interest rates , especially for the self-employed .
9 The great growth in Christianity at the present time is in the Third World and those parts of Eastern Europe that are still under atheistic leadership .
10 The vital task facing trade unions at the present time is to sell trade unionism — to convince trade union members that they belong to a beneficial , positive and essential organisation .
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