Example sentences of "[noun] was able [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Candice was able to give a description of her attacker a chubby white male , aged 22–27 , with light brown short hair , spiky on top , wearing a tan-coloured stocking mask .
2 Last year for the first time , Nuclear Electric was able to operate the Dungeness B nuclear power station at over 1200MWe , largely thanks to an AEA computer-based reactor protection system .
3 The Soviet president was able to end the strike of 1989 by posing as the miners ' ally .
4 The agent was able to offer a ticket and quoted a fare of £153 .
5 The OEO Agent had obviously been in continuous pain by the end of their long , slow hike , and Bernice was able to boost the feed of chemicals provided by Defries 's combat suit .
6 Either , therefore , Oswiu did become king in 642 , as Bede says , or Bede was able to date the council of Whitby to 664 by reference to the eclipse and plague of that year and he calculated Oswiu 's regnal year at this point for himself on his own assumption of a succession for Oswiu in 642 .
7 The baby 's christening was held at Carrie 's house so that Grandma Houlihan was able to hold the baby .
8 As a result , the CNAA was able to give the polytechnic a clean bill of health and withdrew its threat to cease recognition of its courses .
9 In the end , the night series final was played between Eastern Province and Western Province at the Wanderers Stadium as neither Port Elizabeth nor Cape Town was able to provide a venue .
10 Thanks to this act , Churchward was able to tell the world that Mu sank into the chilly waters of the Pacific 12,000 years ago , that almost all of its 64 million inhabitants perished , that a few survived on Pacific islands , that these survivors gave birth to Homo sapiens , that white people are nicer than black because they 're closer to the original folk of Mu , and all the other nonsense you might expect .
11 Political analysts stated that Borja was able to make the land grants because he did not face re-election .
12 Even though the idea was firmly rejected , Pöhl was able to declare a month later that ‘ the German concept regarding the principles of a common European central bank has been accepted by most European governments ’ .
13 In Chichester the local Council was able to force the Bishop to dedicate , and not to consecrate , the new chapel at the local asylum ; even the mad could not escape the Council 's power .
14 After three years of redrafting and hard debate , a large majority in the Council was able to welcome a text reflecting both the ideas and the spirit of the more ‘ pastoral ’ tendency .
15 Each child was able to earn a sticker so that they would all be motivated to behave .
16 In 1958 Nkrumah was able to make a start on implementing his dream of African Union .
17 However , the succeeding regime of the rector and the new vestrymen was less than efficient , and Merceron was able to make a comeback , through the manoeuvres of his son-in-law and those of his former supporters who were still in office .
18 Carrie was able to come every day to sit with Julia , and Maureen was able to travel to Whiston Hospital where Chris had been taken .
19 Through her , Yeats was able to interrogate the spirit-world about his relationship with Maud .
20 Ted still could n't work out how Wayne was able to cover the distance from the door to the CD player so fast .
21 Dean Fosbury trotted from side to side to take kicks from alternate flags , eventually finding reward when Mickey Street was able to force the ball home .
22 After a number of days the conference was able to reach an agreement which was set out in a communique dated 21 July 1991 .
23 But once again the money ran out before sufficient audiences could be attracted to the new policies of temperance and self-improvement , and in 1884 it was the millionaire textile manufacturer and Liberal MP , Samuel Morley [ q.v. ] , who came to the rescue of Emma and her theatre with interim funding , which led eventually to support from the charity commissioners and other private sponsorship with which , in 1891 , Emma Cons was able to buy the freehold of the theatre and dedicate it to musical and other entertainments of an uplifting or educational nature .
24 As we saw earlier , Francis Bacon was able to turn the doctrine of the Fall to advantage : Science would help restore that dominion over nature lost to humanity through Adam 's sin .
25 A second , but also rare , situation in which an extended household could arise was when an elderly person was able to obtain the support of either an adult child or grandchild to continue living in his or her own home .
26 The six participants also took a risk in buying the building without planning permission , but some months later they obtained consent for change of use from school premises to residential/studio units and the architect was able to instruct a builder to commence Stage 1 — the conversion of the building into six basic , serviced ‘ shells ’ .
27 It also meant that in 1213 , and again in 1215–17 , the French king was able to take the war to England , a thing unheard of only a generation earlier .
28 For its part , the House of Lords was able to exert an influence in the context of a restricted franchise and a distribution of parliamentary seats that bore less and less relation to the actual distribution of the population at large .
29 From the brown hide couch in the sitting room , and the two matching armchairs set either side of the old range , the pretty cottage paintings and floral drapes throughout the house , the many ornaments that decorated every room , Beth was able to glimpse the nature of the woman who had lived and died here — David 's mother .
30 Reaching over , however , she managed to hook Randy 's stick , so Mike was able to tap the ball away .
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