Example sentences of "[noun] was lay [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In 1749 for the first time a single system of tactics was laid down for the entire army , while in 1765 the Hofkriegsrath assumed the power to appoint to all ranks above that of captain and from 1776 an organized State military transport corps began to be built up .
2 The High Sheriff of Cornwall , Sir John Trelawney , opened an ornamental gate with a silver key and a free tea was laid on for the children of the surrounding parishes .
3 The parkland was laid out with a smooth lawn .
4 Luke says that , in her case , the offering was laid down for the poor :
5 A buffet lunch was laid on for the advisers , a chicken leg , various meat-filled butties , an apple and a large Kit-Kat .
6 A free coach was laid on by the Sun bringing fans from London .
7 In the room beyond , the real Tsu Tiao was laid out atop a great , tiered pedestal on a huge bed spread with silken sheets of gold .
8 The form of those prayers was laid down in the teaching of the rabbis , and we can glimpse it in the story of the Pharisee and the Publican .
9 It now leads , via sharp bends , into the town , whose broad market place was laid out at the gate of Kimbolton Castle probably around 1200 .
10 The town was laid out in a military camp plan with a wide , straight road crossing the city centre from one side of the town to the other and similar roads intersecting the first at right angles .
11 In 1920 , a connecting line was built from Blundell Street to the railway siding , and the site was laid out in the form of a tramway avenue , served by a tram traverser installed in 1922 .
12 Each article was laid out on a polythene bag , labelled , ready to be sent to the laboratory .
13 The Schlosspark at Donaueschingen was laid out for the princes of Fürstenberg in the eighteenth century .
14 The brass shop was laid out with the rough brass stores on one side , whence the castings passed to the machines , thence to the benches , and from there to the polishers , next to the platers and finally to the lacquerers at the other side of the shop , each operation in turn bringing the parts further across the shop .
15 Uncle Philip was laid out on a charcoal grill like a barbecued pork chop .
16 This demographic pattern was laid down in the first half of the century when the inter-war birth-rate declined markedly .
17 In such parishes as these the present field and hedge pattern was laid down in the year following the enclosure award , for the allotments would have been many and small .
18 At first the hotel was encumbered with the inevitable stone bankers but soon the ground was laid out with a delightful garden ‘ where a respectable band of musicians , formed in this place , meet every Tuesday and Friday evening ’ .
19 The manner of enforcement was laid down by the statute .
20 The exceptionally beautiful garden which surrounds the Rectory was laid out by an enlightened early Victorian encumbent who lined the streams with tufa and planted rare snowdrops and ferns along the banks .
21 Subsequently the stomach was laid out on a glass plate and a tissue specimen , 4 mm in diameter , was taken by a punch press from the anterior wall on the greater curvature .
22 The standard of care expected of a doctor was laid down in the following case .
23 The Tournament arena was laid out on a flat piece of land in a loop of the Lugton Water , a few hundred yards east of the castle .
24 When Kent played Surrey in 1890 a fine spread was laid on for the gentlemen but the professionals ‘ were left to shift for themselves , and thought themselves lucky to get a bit of bread and cheese ’ .
25 When the local government map was laid down at the end of the nineteenth century , many of the administrative units — for example , Anglo-Saxon shires and medieval boroughs — were already outdated .
26 The royal crypt was laid out by the architect Kamil Roškot in 1928–35 .
27 The unusual , possibly unique , method of election was laid down in the statutes by John Dakyn .
28 A general election to a newly created 85-member National Assembly , whose creation was laid down in the Constitution promulgated in mid-1991 , was held on Dec. 20 .
29 A nylon Firebird sleeping bag was laid out on the floor directly in front of the door , obviously being used as a makeshift pillow .
30 Miss Thomas was laid out on a pavement and the police were summoned from a nearby police station .
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