Example sentences of "[noun] and gave [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We 've got to go there tomorrow , so ’ — he took his hand from the wheel and gave her a quick pat — ‘ put your neb under your wing until after the holidays and see what transpires then . ’
2 The woman at the door raised weary , gold-lidded eyes and gave her an anonymous welcoming smile .
3 I opened my eyes and gave him a puzzled look .
4 She had been a regular person once , but that had been before the voices started up in her head , before the dead woman got out of her rocking chair , before the preacherman reached into her mind and gave it a sharp twist …
5 They shared a commiserating smile , and Mick put his arm around her shoulders and gave her a friendly hug .
6 He shrugged his broad shoulders and gave her a warm smile .
7 She cocked her head on one side and gave me a long scrutiny , almost as though she had never seen me before .
8 Just as we were about to leave , Frank Dick called me to one side and gave me a blistering reprimand .
9 As their eyes met , Yanto sensed a spart of recognition and gave her a broad smile to help her recollect .
10 He looked back at Kim and gave him a small bow .
11 Thacker put his hands back in his pockets and gave her a pitying look .
12 She did , however , slip next door to May and gave her a rough sketch of what had happened , right up to the Syrup of Figs .
13 On Friday at school he passed Nutty in the corridor and gave her a fierce stare to remind her about their appointment and she said , ‘ I have n't forgotten , ’ in an aggrieved voice .
14 I hired a karaoke machine , went down the pub and gave 'em a few numbers ; ‘ Girl From Ipanema ’ , ‘ I Write The Songs ’ .
15 The retort earned a laugh and gave me a split second to stop my heart from racing .
16 He stared back and , blushing with confusion , she rose to her feet and gave him a little bob .
17 He slipped an arm around her waist and gave her an affectionate squeeze .
18 I unzipped the pouch round my waist and gave him the small jar of paint and the sawn-off paintbrush .
19 Any account of English book illustration would be inadequate without a tribute to Edmund Evans ( 1826–1905 ) who brought to a wonderful peak of success the revival of the art of colour printing from wood blocks and gave us the delightful colour plate books of Kate Greenaway , ’ Richard E. Doyle , Randolph Caldecott and Walter Crane .
20 It was a very helpful preparation and gave her a first real taste of teaching .
21 Luke ignored the heavy sarcasm and gave her a cool look .
22 It was the young Scots ' first win in four outings and gave them an outside chance of qualifying for the latter stages of the championship .
23 She unpacked a self-locating mine , punched in her identifier and gave it a simple verbal instruction .
24 The man wiped his hands ineffectually on his hips and gave her a limp handshake .
25 Our driver , Hans , spoke to David Lowe , who spoke good German and gave us a running commentary on where we were going .
26 I sprang to attention and gave him a smart salute .
27 ‘ However I wanted to race in Ireland and I was frustrated when the Lisburn club came back to me a few days after I had signed up for the French meeting and gave me the full details .
28 He turned his head and gave me a direct look .
29 Carole turned her head and gave her a broad smile .
30 He lifted his dark head and gave her a penetrating stare , noted her expression , and asked swiftly , ‘ What relationship did you think I meant ? ’
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