Example sentences of "[noun] and looked [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sanchez uncrossed his legs and looked towards the pit .
2 Carson stepped out on to the terrace and looked over the rail again .
3 ‘ However , ’ Corbett continued , clasping his sword belt around his waist , ‘ one thing I do remember is that the preacher was really a gentle man ; he told my mother that Holy Mother Church merely wished to frighten its children except — ’ Corbett narrowed his eyes and looked through the doorway ‘ — for murderers , those who slay , especially the sons of Cain who plot with ice-cold malice the destruction of someone they hate . ’
4 Nell raised her eyes and looked at the rest of the body ; and caught her breath .
5 Wishart narrowed his eyes and looked into the candlelight .
6 Although he trained with the England A team during the winter and felt optimistic , he was in pain again before he left for Portugal and looked on the tour as a ‘ make-or-break ’ exercise .
7 Juliet went to the doorway and looked along the ward , just as a doctor left one room and entered another .
8 He followed her , but stopped in the living room doorway and looked at the room .
9 Then she got the photographs out of her handbag and looked at the view of the swimming-pool .
10 Anyway , I just tapped my boot against the bottom of the boat and looked over the river , busy with huge dung barges emptying their putrid waste in midstream .
11 She ran one finger across the keys of his typewriter and looked across the room to the photo of him which hung on the wall , smiling .
12 I found a light and looked round the room .
13 Amanda Fergusson now rested her book on her lap and looked at the ceiling in alarm .
14 He blew out his fat , purpled cheeks , dug his hands deep in his breeches pockets and looked at the sky with a martyred air .
15 She went to the window and looked at the sky .
16 She relatched the window and looked for the deadlock key on the ring , but Carson said , ‘ I 'll see to that later .
17 When I opened an upstairs window and looked into the ravine ( this was in winter , so it was easy to see the tracks ) , Zverev 's works , and those of some other artists , were lying out in the snow .
18 Stok went across to the window and looked through the side of the curtain like they do in gangster films .
19 They forced several corners and looked for the height of Simon White and Steve Harris to open up the sometimes nervous ‘ Mill defence .
20 Now , we 've used this technique in invasive bladder cancer , and we 've quantified the micro-vascularity in a group of invasive cancers and looked at the prognosis and metastasis .
21 After mopping up the mess-tin with a large piece of French bread that had accompanied the stew , I got to my feet and looked around the barn .
22 She put them under her raincoat in the basket and looked at the receipt the chemist had handed her from the till ; there was no evidence that she had paid for these items .
23 Claudia sat behind her desk and looked at the date to which Myra had just drawn her attention .
24 He picked up the glass case and looked at the bird reflectively .
25 He jumped , across the gully and looked under the car .
26 She gripped the rail and looked down the street .
27 Anna heard a noise and looked at the door .
28 In Carlyle Mansions itself , Hayward 's own rooms were at the front of the building and looked over the river and the gardens while Eliot satisfied himself with a study and bedroom down a dark passage at the back of the building .
29 They stopped beside Mrs McAllister 's resting-place and looked at the ground in silence .
30 He sat back in his pew and looked around the church which the indefatigable ladies of the WI had transformed with flowers and holly sprays .
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