Example sentences of "[noun] and looked [adv] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 He wiped the sweat from his eyes and looked down at the automatic in his hand .
2 Lambert opened his eyes and looked bleakly at the map .
3 Cissy Salt , her baby face hard and cold as a coin , stood back from the couch and looked round at the trembling tearful group .
4 He held up his forefinger and looked questioningly at the District Chief .
5 He shrugged his shoulders and looked dumbly at the grain on the wooden table .
6 General ‘ Little Mac ’ McLellan sat back on his horse and looked up at the sky .
7 He stopped his horse and looked across at the friar .
8 The priest rested his elbows on his knees and looked down at the floor .
9 The monk licked his lips and looked sideways at the Bishop .
10 His voice trailed off and Ruth looked sharply at him as he lowered his gaze and looked down at the paperwork in front of him .
11 Ian walked to the open window and looked up at the hills , with their barracks , prison and asylum perched aloft .
12 He walked over to the window and looked out at the courtyard below , busy with ambulances and patients clutching appointment cards as they peered hesitatingly at signs pointing the way to Casualty and X-ray and Outpatients , with the birdlike figures of caped nurses changing shifts , and the white coats of housemen hustling importantly from ward block to ward block .
13 I got out of bed , went across to the window and looked out at the night .
14 When he had finished , Bicker strode to the window and looked out at the tumbled clouds of the late day and the gathering darkness of the deserted hills .
15 I went to the window and looked out at the rain and the clouds .
16 He walked over to the window and looked out at the falling snow .
17 Mum went over to my window and looked down at the street .
18 I lay on my bed with a computer magazine and , from time to time , went to the window and looked down at the darkened street .
19 However , ’ he stamped his feet and looked up at the darkened mass of the church , ‘ no one , not even in Southwark , can be that degenerate .
20 The coroner stamped his feet and looked up at the star-filled sky .
21 The lassitude still on her , she came slowly to her feet and looked down at the boy , who stood up , shifting uneasily .
22 Fulke shuffled his feet and looked down at the floor .
23 Mr Smith , a man of about forty with large soft bags under his eyes , leant over his paper-strewn desk and looked down at the No-Nonsense pen he was fiddling with , Steven watched the pen .
24 He sucked in deep , racking breaths and looked up at the two men .
25 She lifted the hem of her nightie and looked determinedly at the scar on her thigh .
26 They stood on the banks and looked across at the blanket of fog coming from the river .
27 Polly felt a blush warm her cheeks and looked down at the food .
28 He went to the long table in the centre of the room and looked down at the detailed map spread out across its surface .
29 policeman and looked sideways at the Russian troops .
30 She tossed her head and looked around at the congregation .
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