Example sentences of "follow the same " in BNC.

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1 Follow the same format as with the dove meditation .
2 If you always follow the same procedure when giving a customer change , you are less likely to make mistakes .
3 Computers follow the same strategy that General Grant followed against the South : do nothing fancy , stay out of trouble , take no risks and just grind the opponent bit by bit , piece by piece and square by square , into the dust .
4 All the above organic texts follow the same conventional approach to the subject , starting with the alkanes .
5 In physics and science , we follow the same procedure , often unwittingly .
6 How you decide on the assembly order is very much a matter of personal judgement , but the principles of shot to shot continuity , the function of cutaways , and the ordering of your material into a logical progression of images which tell a story , all follow the same rules as for in-camera editing .
7 Follow the same procedure with cheques marked ‘ please re-present ’ .
8 These two simple parables follow the same theme .
9 What is important is that the trainees follow the same principles .
10 If the puppy has done nothing after five or 10 minutes , follow the same routine , but once you are inside remain more watchful .
11 The themes which are highlighted in this paper follow the same order as the full text of the Lineamenta , and are covered under the headings of the three main parts .
12 Apart from Ireland it would seem that the smaller European countries have contained the situation better than have the larger ones , but this is an artefact since other small countries such as Belgium , Netherlands and Denmark follow the same trend as the larger countries .
13 The books are identical for each group , and children follow the same activities .
14 Since all the schools follow the same teaching plan and since the content of the programme followed by children in the early years is less demanding academically than that followed by adolescents , it is easy to argue that teachers in the lower grades require less training .
15 Inspector 's investigations represent the mainline activity of AIB , and their reports all follow the same pattern specified by ICAO so that air safety researchers know exactly where to find particular information .
16 Left-wing Euro-haters follow the same logic .
17 Not all life sentence prisoners follow the same ‘ career path ’ through prison but most spend three to four years in two initial centres , then progress to training prisons and — possibly — open prisons before a final release date is in sight .
18 They fall into three groups : ( 1 ) eight working-class women who say initially that they ‘ like ’ or ‘ do n't mind ’ housework , but turn out to be dissatisfied with it ; ( 2 ) two middle-class women who follow the same pattern ; and ( 3 ) two middle-class women who say they dislike housework but are satisfied with it .
19 Although in some instances the sex/style differences are very slight , they are quite consistent in that they usually tend in the same direction , much as Labov ( 1966 : 7 ) found for social class and style : ‘ Native New Yorkers differ in their usage in terms of absolute values of the variables , but the shifts between contrasting styles follow the same pattern in almost every case . ’
20 They share the same values , follow the same norms and play a variety of roles , adopting the appropriate behaviour for each .
21 Reports may be brief or lengthy but they follow the same pattern .
22 All mammals have ears which follow the same basic plan as ours .
23 These adults subsequently lay eggs which follow the same cycle .
24 You find out what 's wrong with what you 've done and sort of go off in another direction , or maybe follow the same direction slightly and veer off .
25 Erm there are quite a few in , in this series which follow the same sort of thing is that er , all projects all jobs on site er will have a quantity surveyor from Dave 's section .
26 The Samaritans petitioned the Syrian king in order to dissociate themselves from the Jews , to be considered Sidonians and to give to their god the name of Zeus Hellenios : " Now you have dealt with the Jews as their wickedness deserves , but the King 's officers , in the belief that we follow the same practices as they through kinship with them , are involving us in similar charges , whereas we are Sidonians by origin , as is evident from our state documents .
27 The process of forming a nation state did not , evidently , follow the same course everywhere .
28 Very often bream have remarkably fixed movements and follow the same watery paths day by day .
29 The following text takes you step-by-step through setting up the LSTRAIN process ; to set up further processes , just follow the same instructions , substituting the name of the new process for LSTRAIN .
30 All trainee managers follow the same route ; how fast and how far they develop depends entirely on their individual performance .
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