Example sentences of "[noun] account for the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Equally depression of prostaglandin synthesis , by diminishing pain perception , could at least in part account for the high proportion of NSAID associated ulcers that are silent .
2 The completion accounts shall consist of [ a statement of net assets of the business drawn up at the transfer date and a profit and loss account for the xx months then ended and such additional notes as the Vendor 's accountants shall deem reasonable ] and shall be prepared , in order of descending priority , with due regard to the concept of materiality in accordance with :
3 The completion accounts shall consist of [ a statement of net assets of the business drawn up at the transfer date and a profit and loss account for the xx months then ended and such additional notes as the Vendor 's accountants shall deem reasonable ] and shall be prepared , in order of descending priority , with due regard to the concept of materiality in accordance with :
4 There would then be no minority interest figure in the profit and loss account for the current year , since the minority interest will also have been a debit balance last year end .
5 Whereas a comprehensive secondary school might offer some 30 subjects for all its pupils , and about a dozen subjects account for the great majority of A levels , the curriculum explodes in higher education , part of a post-school explosion even greater when one takes into account the vast number of technical and vocational courses that exist in non-advanced further education .
6 Final selection of the project , approval of the project for inclusion in the capital budget , setting of project implementation controls and post-audit review account for the remaining stages of the project cycle are covered in detail in chapter 5 .
7 Surface tension accounts for the spherical shapes of free-falling droplets of liquid .
8 The subcontractor will also have an increased administrative burden in providing annual accounts for the Inland Revenue , preparing estimates and calculating and monitoring payments to employees irrespective of whether they are self-employed or engaged on the PAYE scheme .
9 The buccaneer impulse revealed in these artless words accounts for the vigorous campaigns against other villains in other castles , though the immediate object is almost always the traditional one of help for a distressed damsel .
10 In Scale 2 Hilton talks of his understanding of the dynamic nature of God 's love working in man : The goal of contemplative life is to see this , a seeing which is a felt understanding of love , and Hilton accounts for the curious process by which a person grows towards this state as the interaction between the being of God — unformed love in which all men participate — and the response enabled by God to this dynamic potential at the heart of their being — love formed .
11 Balcon 's strengthened determination to impose his own world-view on the studio 's pictures accounts for the declining ambition of Ealing 's production at this time .
12 The diversity of crime accounts for the unconvincing nature of attempts to explain it by all-encompassing theories .
13 Produce common size profit and loss accounts for the five years and analyse these statements with particular reference to the profitability of Belper .
14 Until the FRC and its cohorts have made substantial progress in imposing uniformity in accounting matters , the profession will continue to be criticised because companies account for the same things in different ways .
15 The force of cohesion and tension in this column account for the upward rise of the water .
16 In summary , substituting depreciation accounting for the existing method would make revenue accounts more relevant for cost comparisons but less reliable for financial control .
17 Sexual selection under environmental constraints from a species habitat accounts for the adaptive radiation apparent in taxonomic groups .
18 For an atom with many electrons , we can still use the one-electron atom wave-functions as approximate descriptions of the behavior of the electrons , though we should modify the functions to account for the mutual repulsion of the electrons .
19 Anyway , that is the case and Gamow showed that the quantitative formalism accounted for the experimental results in a highly satisfactory manner .
20 It also seems Auxetophones account for the large numbers of records made by both candidates for the American Presidential Election of 1908 , which were recorded by Victor , the Gramophone Company 's American partner .
21 Finally , the war accounts for the strategic orientation which we discuss in the following chapter .
22 In either case , this should allow the social services authority to hold the not-for-profit body to account for the proper use of public funds .
23 The Gaboon viper of Africa : its large venom glands account for the distorted arrow shape of its head .
24 For instance , personality variations account for the wide range of reactions towards a salesperson .
25 The fast readers were more efficient than the slow readers in using grammatical predictability and in integrating different ideas in a sentence , but the factor accounting for the largest difference involved word-recognition processes .
26 Pre-eruption vesiculation has been inferred previously using microgravity at andesitic stratocones ( Poas and Pacaya ) where only 1–2% change in the degree of vesiculation accounts for the observed changes ( of 100μGal ) .
27 Amongst these are the Turkish Airlines McDonnell Douglas DC-10 at Paris , and the terrible collision on the ground at Tenerife between Pan American and KLM Boeing 747s which to this day accounts for the greatest number of fatalities in a single accident .
28 Some hotels maintain ledger accounts for the regular business users and the account is sent direct to the companies which enables a speedy departure for the guest .
29 The Gold Ninety Account is a very high interest ninety day notice account for the longer term investor .
30 The role of political pressures such as these as a major influence upon the development of employers ' associations has been emphasised by Adams ( 1981 ) , who puts forward a theory to account for the broad differences between Western Europe and the USA both in the extent of organisation among employers themselves and in their behaviour towards trade unions .
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