Example sentences of "[noun] hit [pron] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Spurs coach Doug Livermore said : ‘ Andy 's young but in every pre-season game , he was so good , his performances hit us in the eye . ’
2 ( 6 ) An empathetic question asks the pupil to become involved personally with the evidence , e.g. " If you had been the soldier standing behind Harold , say what you might have thought , felt and done at the moment the arrow hit him in the eye . "
3 When one of the police asked him to quieten the party down a bit , Willis hit him in the mouth and screamed , ‘ Get the fuck off my property ! ’
4 And the full awfulness of my landing hit me in a rush .
5 A bomb hit us in the night , d' ya not know that ?
6 When catastrophe hit her in the shape of the Town & County Bank stopping payment , she was ruined .
7 Sheridan said : ‘ The ball hit me in the face .
8 A dolf ball hit me in the mouf fo now I fpeak funny !
9 And Mouse would have had to keep sitting there saying over and over , ‘ Yes , Viola Angotti hit me in the stomach .
10 When they stepped into the street the damp warmth hit her in the face and the heat of the pavements struck through the thin soles of her shoes so that every step of the way was like treading on hot cinders .
11 Nieto was walking alongside the touchline when a ball kicked from within the field hit him in the face , breaking his glasses .
12 The winch hit her in the small of the back and she yelped .
13 All I can remember is an object hitting me in the head as it came through the window and glass shattering everywhere .
14 Some bullets hit him in the air and more bullets hit him as he lay on the ground .
15 He felt a second shot hit him in the back and knock him off his feet .
16 As the strong-armed man turned towards him Blake hit him in the stomach .
17 He knocked down McGuire for a count of nine and on the break from the subsequent clinch McGuire hit him in the adam 's apple .
18 My fins hit me in the chest .
19 One was a 50-year-old woman sitting on a shooting stick who had her spleen ruptured when the bird hit her in the back ; the other was the pregnant wife of Swiss businessman Luc Argand , who was knocked off a wall at the Floors Castle estate near Kelso in the Scottish Borders .
20 He had shot one grouse and was aiming at a second when the first bird hit him in the face at 60mph , flinging him unconscious into the heather .
21 Warm slobber hit him in the face .
22 I cleared the gun and fired at the Corporal , the burst hitting him in the chest and knocking him backwards into a line of sheets which he brought winding down around him .
23 But it came too late for him to do anything about it , for when he straightened up and turned towards the bank the bullet hit him in the chest and his body seemed to disintegrate and fly in all directions , and he knew that death was on him and that it was something that divided you into a million parts and each fragment screamed as it flung itself into eternity .
24 The first bullet hit him in the back , severing his spine .
25 From point-blank range the first bullet hit him in the stomach , doubling him up as it punched a hole just to the left of his navel , ploughing through intestines before lodging close to his spine .
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