Example sentences of "[noun] end [adv] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The draw itself is expected to last no more than 10 minutes , although there is always the chance of the sort of hiccup that occurred before the 1982 tournament when Belgium and Scotland ended up in the wrong groups — and there was the embarrassed re-examination of screwed-up slips of paper such as might be seen when the vicar 's wife wins both the turkey and the hamper in the Christmas raffle .
2 ‘ His marriage ended tragically in the early death of his wife and a year later he shot himself .
3 According to IDC , only 3% of workstation kit ended up in the financial sector — which invests more heavily in high-end and on-line transaction processing multi-user Unix systems .
4 The era ended abruptly in the first two years of the 1980s , when almost every astronomical satellite reached the end of its life .
5 Will the right hon. Gentleman further explain to my constituent why people who reach that age end up in the appalling position of having all their age allowances clawed back by the Government ?
6 If developed countries do not want their rubbish to end up in the third world , they must help developing countries to build better treatment facilities and enforce higher standards .
7 The sequence ended abruptly in the late fifties ; the camera had packed up .
8 The long stability of nominal wages ended abruptly in the 1790s .
9 If a pregnancy is pre-marital , it trebles the relative risk of a couple ending up in the local authority sector rather than the owner-occupied one ( Murphy , 1983 ) .
10 They were not met by the UK , which also granted itself invalid derogations , and the country ended up in the European Court ( see below ) .
11 Anything going through MEMO ended up in the American Embassy .
12 The skin ended up in the Natural History Museum in Copenhagen and it was only when the corpse was examined that it was discovered that sulukongur was in fact a female !
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