Example sentences of "[noun] live [prep] [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In matrimonial law , the courts have recognised that cohabitation may have ceased even where the parties live in the same dwelling , provided that they are no longer ‘ living with each other in the same household . ’
2 Kids live in the same world as adults , the advertising , the pressures are there , and I think we , also this important point that it 's women 's health who 's already most disadvantaged , that 's women on low incomes with very
3 In Berlin itself , there are over 4,000 Vietnamese , most of whom live three to a room in cramped hostels , paying well over the odds for the privilege ( Germans living in the same accommodation pay considerably less ) .
4 The author explores , in this paper , some philosophical arguments for equal distribution of scarce goods between people of different age groups living in the same society .
5 It has been pointed out that the modern ostrich and the Cretaceous Struthiomimus lived in the same sort of exposed habitat , and thus evolved similar bipedal running gaits .
6 Anthony Purcell lives in the same road as the Strongs in Forest Hill near Oxford .
7 Of the joint registrations made in 1989 , 72% were made by parents living at the same address , which suggests that some 50% of children born outside marriage were born to a cohabiting couple .
8 Zuwaya probably used marriages to create alliances with members of other lineages living in the same place , and to maintain connection with members of the same lineage living in different places , even though they did not feel the same ecological pressures as the members of the Saadi confederation .
9 If challenged to justify why blacks are struck from the jury , prosecutors offer the most ridiculous reasons — ‘ he looked dumb ’ , ‘ he lived in the same part of town as the defendant ’ ( most blacks live in the same part of town ) , ‘ he was a mason and I was worried about masonic links ’ ( the prospective juror was a stone mason by profession ) .
10 As subject , Edmund acts for himself , doing anything that will advance him : Goneril and Regan live by the same principle .
11 Although visiting grandparents was the basis of many significant memories and relationships , it is surprising that in the first set of interviews there are even more significant mentions of grandparents who at some point lived in the same house as their children .
12 Among carers living in the same household as the person receiving care , this difference is even more apparent , with 62 per cent of women providing help with personal care and 53 per cent being responsible for giving medication , compared with 43 per cent and 37 per cent of men respectively .
13 The only type of help in which , according to the 1985 GHS , men clearly outnumber women is in taking the disabled person out — 60 per cent of men compared with 49 per cent of women carers living in the same household as the person being given care ( Green , 1988 , p. 27 ) .
14 Carers living in the same household as the person receiving care , female carers , those with sole responsibility for providing care and those who were not economically active were especially disadvantaged .
15 There are five species of Dorylus or driver ants living in the same area of Africa .
16 In New Zealand , it formerly applied only where husband and wife lived in the same residence at the time of the rape .
17 Extended families living in the same household remain very common .
18 The CICB said the woman were abused so long ago that their cases had to be considered under the pre-1979 rules which excluded compensation for offences committed by relatives living under the same roof .
19 The inner-city indicators were based largely on territorial assumptions , for example that people might have close relatives living in the same street or the next street , and that people would work in the same places as some of their close neighbours ( L. Milroy 1987 : 141–2 ) .
20 It is determined that local businesses , who have no direct vote to the local authority , unless the owners live within the same district as their firms , should not be driven out of inner-city areas by an ever-escalating rates bill .
21 ‘ No , but her mother and father lived in the same house and never spoke to each other for over thirty years . ’
22 Notwithstanding experience and observation , she was still somewhere inside her convinced that if a man and a woman lived under the same roof , even if the roof covered a very large area , they would soon be cohabiting in a sexual sense .
23 The sample was drawn from carers providing substantial amounts of help to a disabled adult living in the same household , excluding spouse carers and caring arising from a son or daughter born disabled .
24 It is also the custom of certain groups who have migrated to Britain to pool resources between kin , either between people living in the same household or sometimes across households ( Anwar , 1985 , pp. 52–5 ; Brah , 1986 ) .
25 One reason may well be that people living in the same locality share , whatever their class position , similar material positions .
26 So , art history only begins after the death of the work , but as long as the work lives , or at least in the first fifty years of its life , it communicates with people living in the same period who have accepted it or rejected it and who have talked about it .
27 For people living in the same area , those in the most expensive properties should pay not more than three times as much — the maximum variation — as those in the least expensive properties .
28 What I mean by tradition involves all those habitual actions , habits and customs , from the most significant religious rite to our conventional way of greeting a stranger , which represent the blood kinship of ‘ the same people living in the same place ’ .
29 It seems to me that music television , like sports programming , mainly assumes that its audiences live in the same world and share the same expertise .
30 Although the distribution of rural population is no longer synonymous with agricultural employment , most people live in the same locality as their place of employment , and so this chapter considers population and employment as contiguous rather than necessarily related phenomena .
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