Example sentences of "[noun] who [verb] [prep] the city " in BNC.

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1 Youngsters who go to the city centre at night are advised to stay in groups .
2 It was also reported that the Governor of Cauca read out the faxes/cables received from Amnesty International to the several thousand Indians who marched on the city of Popayan .
3 Hordes of others followed on foot ; retainers gaudy in the livery of great lords , and the bright French silks of young gallants who swarmed into the city like butterflies under the warm sun and blue skies .
4 The old docks , part converted to smart new houses and flats for the Yuppies who worked in the City , but with areas still near-derelict , abandoned wharves and warehouses .
5 The polemic in the newspapers had begun not over the kidnapping but over a fight that had broken out a few days previously in a bar much frequented by the young Sardinians who hung around the city and by the city gangs who sold them drugs .
6 She said she had been hired as a nanny by an English couple called Wilson who lived in the city .
7 The father-of-three was caught after four of the 800 workers who paid into the City Council Life Insurance Welfare Scheme died in a short space of time .
8 The paper went on the say that such a move would at least give the people who came into the city centre greater reassurance , even if they had to pay for the privilege .
9 The council is spending prudently and efficiently and it 's spending as little hard cash as is compatible with meeting the essential needs of the people who live in the city .
10 It reduces a great deal of pain and hardship amongst the people who live in the City , and that is money well spent .
11 And that 's extremely difficult to do something about the equity target , since National policy , the distribution of income , housing policy , all the things that we tackle on this committee and committees of the council have a very significant effect on the health of the people who live in the city , and it 's not in our control .
12 Special thanks to all the people who poured into the city in their thousands to clap , cheer , and wave .
13 Facing opposition from the City , from English Heritage and all the conservation groups , amenity organizations and civic societies in the country , as well as hundreds of people who work in the City , it was quite a shock when a different Environment Secretary , Nicholas Ridley , agreeing with his inspector , granted permission for demolition and redevelopment .
14 Will the hon. Gentleman tell the constituent of mine who is over 21 and earns £50 for a 40-hour week why he has taken a greater percentage of the young man 's earnings than he has from his right hon. and hon. Friends who go to the City and , for part-time work , earn hundreds of thousands of pounds ?
15 Well it 's interesting , actually , because I 've heard that before erm the piece that Audrey read out , and in fact erm someone in the City Council , a women in the City Council , put it on the front of her door and there was an outcry by many of the men who worked in the City Council .
16 Eliot may not have in his poem Kipling 's Greek slave on a galley out of Egypt , but he does give us a slightly earlier seafarer who sailed out of the Middle East and whose story might be thought to be specially appropriate to those clerks who work in the city
17 I think they 're old-fashioned , for older women , or women who work in the city , not for girls .
18 First , all non-Detroit residents who work in the city pay a stiff income tax .
19 Of those that did , the best is on the vaulted ceiling of what was a college chapel but is now a space occupied by a marble staircase , This is a Glory of Angels and was painted by the Neapolitan artist Giovan Battista Sassi who worked in the city during the early years of the eighteenth-century .
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