Example sentences of "[noun] would go [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Cup of tea would go down like a bomb but
2 He used his fingers and the stick , he scuffled food into his mouth from the pan which he held close by his mouth so that any pieces that fell from his fingers or lips would go back into the container , not onto the ground .
3 . ’ Another woman , repeating with incredulity that such things could happen while the Führer was standing by his soldiers at the Front in the fight against Bolshevism , said blessings would go out from the crucifixes in the schools ‘ not only for the children themselves , but also for our Führer and his soldiers , who are our sons , fathers , and brothers ’ .
4 Erm if I understand it correctly from from Mr Potter 's er table nine , the implication would be that the the Greater York figure would go up to a hundred and sixty one hectares based on thirty four to the acr hectare , that is correct ?
5 Yet although my addresses were chiefly in the nature of pep-talks , I usually contrived to work in what today would be called ‘ culture ’ , and sometimes the pub scene in The Waste Land or parts of Portrait of a Lady would go down with a wow .
6 trying to turn the tables again so that he would stop feeling uncomfortable and Starke would go back on the defensive .
7 Two more previews to go , and then , at seven o'clock on the Thursday ( early so that the critics could get their copy in ) , the curtain would go up on the first night proper of The Hooded Owl .
8 Pop would go out in the morning scouring the countryside for meat and vegetables , and sometimes having to dive into a culvert if there was a raid ; meanwhile the officers would shepherd us into trenches and play games until the raid was over .
9 And when , as often happened , the screen began to yellow and darken , the cry would go up from the front rows : ‘ Purra nother bob in Len ! ’
10 However , if Powerhouse can turn the tables , the title would go down to the wire and almost certainly be decided on set difference .
11 Here permission was given for the construction of a large courtyard development of twenty-six houses and flats , quite out of character with the compact eighteenth-century house , in the belief that the profits yielded from the sale of the flats would go back into the house .
12 It was certainly correct to put Jim Prior , Peter Walker and Ian Gilmour firmly in the ‘ wet ’ camp and Keith Joseph would go down as an undoubted ‘ dry ’ , but for most of the rest of us our opinion depended upon the issue .
13 He could have basked in the illusion of being a benevolent father-figure to his people , actually loved and appreciated and secure in the knowledge that even after he went , things would go on along the tracks he had laid down .
14 There was the man who had been with him and taken the briefcase from the hotel room and who in the morning would go back to the Golani Brigade stationed on the Lebanese border and who would be chided by his fellow officers for having taken leave while the military workload was intense .
15 Five clubs would go down from a reformed league of 14 clubs in the First Division , with the Second Division champions being promoted .
16 During filming in LA , Harry and Lillian would go down to the set and watch their son perform .
17 Shell Expro 's main office at Altens and the head office of Elf Caledonia at Bridge of Don also had to be cleared after a warning to the police that bombs would go off at the four sites at 9am .
18 Shell Expro 's main office at Altens and the head office of Elf Caledonia at Bridge of Don also had to be cleared yesterday after a warning to the police that bombs would go off at the four sites at 9am .
19 Then a man would go up on a ladder outside and put a hook on a chain around the ridge tree .
20 But last night a spokesman for the Portadown business community pledged that life would go on despite the outrage .
21 Every week a detachment of men who had completed all the selection processes , interviews and tests would go off to the 4ème Règiment Étranger at Castelnaudary near Toulouse to start their basic training .
22 Andrew would go back to the bright lights of the capital and she , Benedicta , would ensure that Topaz was kept too busy to think about things which could break her heart .
23 ULSTER 's amateur actors have dramatically upstaged the bombers — by ensuring that their show would go on despite a £1,000 blast .
24 The ‘ empate ’ was developed where men , women and children would go out into the forest and surround trees about to be cut down .
25 Then the next morning when he was still sleeping it off , Doris 'd go off to the pub herself and have a few , and bring back a quart of mild , and they 'd get drunk again together .
26 Whenever he thought about this in later years , his memory would go back to the Cuddesdon time and the shock of seeing a House of Commons pretending that it knew how people ought to say their prayers .
27 But er at that time there was plenty work coming in , erm there was , there was no need for us to be apprehensive , and so therefore we had to convince the management that in the best interests of everybody , having agreed that the scheme would go on across the whole spectrum of the workforce , was to move reasonably , you know , quickly through the various machine departments and introduce with a minimum amount of frustration .
28 Aside from the practical aspects of caring for the young people , there was much talk of spiritual care and regeneration , so that the young men at Elpis Lodge would go out into the world ‘ imbued and enlightened with the hope of a better future ’ , and not embittered by the ill-treatment and injustice they had experienced .
29 They said the mules would go round by a good track but we 'd explore the river .
30 Normally following that kind of response the ramp idea would go down like a lead balloon .
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