Example sentences of "[noun] which be responsible for the " in BNC.

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1 Another striking feature was the existence of the Main Political Administration which was responsible for the political education and consciousness of the military .
2 The hindbrain and midbrain structures , normally associated with relaying sensory information to the cortex , spontaneously generate signals which are responsible for the cortical activation , and are also indistinguishable from signals which would normally have been relayed from the eyes and ears .
3 It is these hormones which are responsible for the physical changes which occur .
4 These in turn group together to form macronodules which are responsible for the skin 's irregular , wrinkled appearance .
5 ( It is this effect which is responsible for the common observation of the wind ‘ dropping ’ on a clear evening as the ground cools by radiation . )
6 It is these same institutions which are responsible for the many second-rate modern buildings which make any comparisons between Barcelona and Leeds , Manchester and Milan , ludicrous .
7 Although the petitioners realised that it was government policies which were responsible for the impoverishment of the masses , the movement did not oppose government , it appealed to it for improvements .
8 It is these patterns which are responsible for the body it now has fashioned , as well as for the individual ‘ personality ’ of each creature .
9 As the Venice Biennale approaches its centenary year , political machinations , seemingly so dear to the heart of Italian and particularly Venetian cultural activities , are holding up the appointment of new members of the Management Committee which is responsible for the programme of the Biennale over the next four years .
10 Andrewes was chairman of the committee which was responsible for the books from Genesis to Kings .
11 The density of Earth is partly explained because of its metallic core which is responsible for the magnetic field .
12 Some have maintained that the Liberal Party was being rapidly undermined before the First World War and that its decline was almost inevitable , others , however , assume that it was the First World War which was responsible for the decline of a vapid Liberal Party — the divisions within Liberal ranks creating the political vacuum into which the Labour Party slipped .
13 The realist approach , although developed as an extension of the functional positivist approach , attempted to probe beyond the relationships derived from observed regularities and to seek the mechanisms and underlying structures which are responsible for the operation of environmental processes .
14 Therefore , it may be these additional lymphocytes which are responsible for the enteropathy of coeliac disease and γ-interferon may play no direct pathogenic role in this condition .
15 Instead , they are usually part of the worm burden of trichostrongyloid species which are responsible for the syndrome of parasitic gastroenteritis in sheep and as such may be controlled by the measures outlined below .
16 It is the combination of these two interests which is responsible for the novelty and success of these mosaics .
17 The women 's movement in the USA has played a major role in exposing the similar processes which are responsible for the creation of sexism and ageism ( and , for that matter , racism ) .
18 It was this group of AHA members which was responsible for the establishment of an Area working party on mental health services .
19 This is a system of horizontal and vertical panels , thus a primary , secondary or teacher training panel ( horizontal ) which co-ordinates and moderates activities for a particular educational level together with vertical panels , say in mathematics , science or music which are responsible for the overall and systematic development of a subject .
20 He is certainly the administrative head of a large organization which is responsible for the statistics , but he does not collect data personally from even one household .
21 The cost of limiting emissions of greenhouse gases has to be borne by those societies which are responsible for the cumulative increase in their concentration levels .
22 More fundamentally , it is the high proportion of immigrants in this school which is responsible for the lowering of standards .
23 It is clear from this that it was social and not technical factors which were responsible for the emergence of factory production .
24 It was these ancient devices that allowed the followers of darkness to move so swiftly about the world , and the cataclysmic release of their corrupting energies which was responsible for the spawning of so many beastmen and monsters .
25 He has been asked to draw up plans to stabilise the site for Welsh historic monuments body Cadw which is responsible for the preservation of Wales ' archaeological heritage .
26 Some understanding of the way the semantic effects of selection may be independent of , and indeed may transcend , those properties of the context which are responsible for the selection can be gleaned from the following analogy .
27 This continued to operate in the Treasury though no attempt was made to coordinate its activities with the Economic Section of the Cabinet Office which was responsible for the Economic Survey .
28 As oral amiodarone had no adverse effect on the liver function in our patient , we suggest that it may have been one of the other constituents of the intravenous solution which was responsible for the hepatotoxicity .
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