Example sentences of "[noun] that 's been [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 've been doing research that 's been inspired by the work of Marie Hoader , who 's Emeritus Professor at the university , a social psychologist , and she had researched unemployment back in the nineteen thirties ; she studied an Austrian village called Mariental , where practically everybody was unemployed , and late in the nineteen seventies as our group began raising questions about the future of work , she engaged in a review of the research between the thirties and the seventies to see if things had changed .
2 That 's like the average what is it it 's a Distance so it 's the average speed that 's been travelled throughout the journeys .
3 Because that 's the old term that 's been used for however many years , and it 's still used by industry .
4 Hair that 's been coloured with a permanent product will benefit from an intensive conditioner once a week .
5 We can do the work by using photographs or drawings initially , but it 's often more exciting for the children to make the images themselves , perhaps later drawing what they have done in comic strip form , making their own comic based on the story that 's been created in the drama .
6 Eh , , I mean there 's a idea the money that 's been spent on the railways instead of on motorways we 'd be a lot better off , and I think and Partners subscribed to that because I think that erm , had more money being spent on the railways that we would have been much better off , oh I 'd much rather go on a train journey than on a motor bridge journey .
7 They er di the strange thing about the critics is it 's a theatre town and being like er Nottingham has been made m much more so by the the money that 's been spent on the theatre as in Norwich .
8 They er d the strange thing about the critics is it 's a theatre town and being like er Nottingham has been made m much more so by the the money that 's been spent on the theatre as in Norwich .
9 They er d the strange thing about the critics is it 's a theatre town and being like er Nottingham has been made m much more so by the the money that 's been spent on the theatre as in Norwich .
10 They er d the strange thing about the critics is it 's a theatre town and being like er Nottingham has been made m much more so by the the money that 's been spent on the theatre as in Norwich .
11 Erm there 's been a reduction er , in the er , staff er because er er people have moved on and er , I take Sue 's point about er if it were n't for the fact that erm they 'd got fully e e experienced staff who 've been there some time , they have n't , not used to this churning over o of , and therefore , that has paid off in er in er in erm so far as being able to deal with the problems that have arisen and er , you 'll see further on er , addition profiles of the work that 's been done with er in this area over the town .
12 ‘ The European Commission recently estimated that a third of all EC research is repeating work that 's been done before and is documented in patents . ’
13 The intention there Chair , is to , is to do further work er , to consolidate on the work that 's been achieved during the , during the year , but also to set out a programme for the er , following period of time , er , from er , April nineteen ninety four until March nineteen ninety five , so that erm , members of the Committee are able to comment on the , on the intentions er , on the draft strategies that are being put forward as a result of the review that takes place er , following the first year 's activity .
14 Er , sir , at the risk of straying slightly into into two B , you , do forgive me in advance , but you raised the specific point about size , and and erm there was er one or two statements that there is n't a a clear view on size in P P G three , I think it 's important to bear in mind the interrelationship between all P P G s and as Mr Curtis said , the research that that backs them up , and I I I point you to three quotes in the statement that C P R E have put in , erm i i i paragraph four point one seven , an and s the quote that attaches to that is taken from the research that erm er backs up draft revised P P G thirteen , transport , and erm I shall quote from that on this question of size , i it is also evident that smaller settlements , those with populations of less than fifty thousand , but particularly very small settlements are characteristically less transport emissions efficient than larger settlements , I think the the erm essence of of that particular piece of research is not as Mr Davis was implying to achieve totally self contained settlements , I do n't believe such a concept exists , it 's actually erm a planning land use in the long term to reduce C O two emi emissions something that is essential now to government policy , I think perhaps more instructive though is is the quote that I 've in included in paragraph four point one nine and that 's taken from er er this book here which I perhaps should submit the whole chapter in evidence to the panel , I 've only just included one quote , it 's it 's I suggest one of the more interesting reads that you may have as a result of this panel , it 's by Colin Ward , and it 's called New Town , Home Town , it 's undertaken by er , sorry includes some of the work that 's been undertaken by the University of Reading , erm and er David Lock Associates , on erm er new town research , and this this is due to be published by H M S O shortly , it 's unfortunate that it was n't available in time for this E I P , but I think erm , if you 'll bear with me , I will read out the quote that I put in four point one nine , because I feel that it is useful on this question of of size , we concluded that if you are interested in environmental impact , energy conser consumption , and sustainability , new settlements have to reach a certain size to be worthwhile , it 's parallel to the old arguments that used to take place around self containment in new towns , we found that new settlements of much less than five thousand houses , that 's about fourteen thousand people are not really worthwhile because if they are smaller than that you are simply putting a housing estate in the countryside , a phrase that that has already been put round this morning , it appears that the best minimum for a new settlement , the best minimum , is about ten thousand houses , that 's that 's twenty five thousand people , which as it happens is about the size of the original garden cities .
15 Or rather , more accurately , he 's estranged , wilfully , from the confining notion of ‘ full ’ humanity that 's been installed by the positive Aid popular culture — extroversion , civic engagement , the benign totalitarianism of caring/sharing/ opening up , the cult of health and efficiency .
16 It 's quite rare to get the equipment that 's been used for this type of activity .
17 Now it seemed to me that one thousand six hundred was initially as a result of survey work or shall we say investigation into the housing waiting list carried out by the York housing department , and I have to say that I have a certain respect for the York housing department , and they have a certain reasonable and good reputation within the region as a housing department , and so there seems to me that there is a gr a there is a potential to underestimate er the the affordable requirement that 's been put to you , another point erm I 'd just like perhaps to seek a little clarification from Mr Curtis , was was unfortunately I was looking something else up or my attention was diverted when he gave some figures for Ryedale and Selby , I think he said , and I 'll happily stand corrected on this , that if you take away the York requirement figure from his ten thousand four hundred for Greater York , then the remainder he would apportion to Selby and Ryedale , so that Selby got four thousand two hundred , sorry , so that Ryedale got four thousand two hundred and Selby got one thousand seven hundred , erm that does n't add up to ten thousand four hundred and I I I in total , and I I wondered where the rest was coming from , if I the point correctly .
18 For that reason we will support the amendment that 's been moved by Labour .
19 This is not only a shocking waste of their talents and skills and energy , but it 's a potent weapon that 's been put in the hands of the building employers and the consequence is , of course , that they 're seeking a twelve month pay and conditions freeze in the industry .
20 The family has occupied less and less of this house since the World Wars , every generation a little less — Christabel 's room was in the east wing that 's been closed since 1918 , except for use as some kind of a glory-hole .
21 President , I 've , er , had lots of advice from my colleagues as to how to respond to the comments of the shop stewards er , I can only respond and say thank you very much indeed for the kind things they 've said particularly , erm , specific point that 's been raised on the industry from my colleagues that are from the Midlands and East Coast the situation currently is that , er , we have decided to ballot for industrial action in E C C and the T & G have decided to ballot for industrial action in , I think its .
22 Elstree is not able to take all the aviation business that 's been displaced for weeks that I know of and , and for Hatfield I 've been notified by two people who are at present at Hatfield , one of whom is going to move to Stansted .
23 Um I 've got some stuff on the handout about some of the stuff that 's been done about what 's what happens and how long it goes on for .
24 I mean I , what you 're saying 's quite valid I mean , i if you 've got a situation where you have been successful and you 've got an accumulation of stuff that 's been recovered from robberies , at least it gives you some method of returning it to it 's previous
25 Wherever possible , re-use water that 's been used for washing vegetables , not-too dirty dishes , bathwater , rinse cycle of washing machine , etc ( again , only on outdoor plants ) .
26 Well again all of these things should be done on water that 's been passed through a filter to separate the water from the sestron yeah .
27 The company that requires us to pay out the smallest subsidy will be given the franchise and allow to use or probably allow to decay a facility that 's been established over the years while it takes its profit and distributes them to its shareholders .
28 One of the priorities is a million pounds that 's been spent on community consultation structure and about a quarter of a million on a marketing and public relations unit .
29 Effectively you ‘ field ’ their excuse , just like being on a cricket field and throwing back a ball that 's been hit towards you .
30 When will he ever learn that the best place for a ball that 's been knocked over his head and is bouncing awkwardly near the box is somewhere on the M62 ( assuming we 're palying at home ) .
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