Example sentences of "[noun] that have [been] successful in " in BNC.

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1 You can all see that it is imperative that we all maintain the efforts that have been successful in 1992 right through 1993 .
2 The finalists of the 1981/82 and 1982/83 Competitions for the Prince of Wales Award for Industrial Innovation and Production provide a self-selected sample of firms that have been successful in innovation , ie in developing commercially viable new products .
3 In proposing hypotheses , people are guided by knowledge of past failures , by analogies with theories that have been successful in handling related subject matters ; Peirce 's ‘ affinity ’ between mind and nature is an allusion to something which is required to explain the speed of the growth of knowledge ; and testing theories is an intentional activity which appeals to general cognitive aims — to describe reality , anticipate experience , solve problems , produce elegant and simple formalisms , etc .
4 Several devices that have been successful in modern surgery include hip replacements , contact and intraocular lenses , heart pacemakers and so on .
5 There is good news for smaller companies , with government support for both the network schemes that have been successful in other parts of Europe , and one-stop shops .
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