Example sentences of "[noun] have called [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But English Heritage has called for a thorough feasibility study before the third application is determined .
2 Although he insists there will be no change in France 's basic strategy , President Mitterrand has called for a national debate on defence .
3 SWINDON player-manager Glenn Hoddle has called for the new back-pass laws to be changed immediately .
4 In the course of his visit to Sweden , Mandela had called on the international community to sever all diplomatic links with South Africa and to intensify sanctions in order to eliminate apartheid .
5 Some parties had called for a national multiparty conference to be held first .
6 The family of a remand prisoner found hanged in his cell have called for a public inquiry after an inquest reached a suicide verdict .
7 The European Parliament 's Transport Committee has called for a 40 per cent cut in carbon dioxide by the year 2010 — a far more ambitious figure than the Community 's official target of a freeze at 1990 levels by 2000 .
8 Wirral housing committee has called for an urgent meeting with housing minister Sir George Young .
9 A group of publishers and journalists from 38 African countries has called on the United Nations to declare censorship a grave violation of human rights and has asked African governments to free journalists who have been jailed for their professional activities .
10 A SCOTTISH fishing boss has called for a Europe-wide boycott of cheap fish to stop non-EC states destroying the fishing industry .
11 The governments of Byelarus , Kazakhstan , Kirgizstan , Moldova , Uzbekistan and Ukraine had called on the Russian government on April 2 not to deregulate oil prices before Oct. 1 , fearing for their economies if the cheap fuel they received from Russia was instead sold to them at world prices .
12 A follow-up meeting between the movement and the king never materialised , and after the two clashes on the border King Hassan has called off a second meeting .
13 The group has called on the Kenyan government to take urgent measures to preserve the lake 's natural resources .
14 As the fatal accident inquiry gets underway , a leading academic has called for a dramatic change in the attitude of the government and courts towards Scotland 's drug users .
15 Margaret Anne Doody has called for a new edition of Leapor 's poetry .
16 Kohl had called for a European federal police force modelled on the US Federal Bureau of Investigation but the UK favoured an inter-governmental rather than a supranational force , although Major himself called for a " strong perimeter fence " around the EC to prevent a wave of illegal immigrants .
17 The FSLN and FNT had called for a nationwide campaign of civil disobedience against the austerity measures , urging the population to refuse to pay increased electricity and water prices , to occupy state companies targeted for privatization , and to support a 24-hour general strike on Oct. 1 .
18 A bus firm 's had to cancel services because its drivers are too ill to work … and Swindon Town have called off a reserve match because they 're down to just 6 fit players .
19 Instead Soviet officials have called upon the other NATO country in the region , Turkey , similarly to renounce the United States ' military presence .
20 Pressure group The Forum of Private Businesses has called for a radical change in the legal structure of small firms .
21 The organisation has called on the European Commission to use its powers under the Euratom Treaty to investigate contamination around Mururoa .
22 Following the government 's announcement army veterans from the civil war in the south were reported to have staged a sit-in on the bridge between Khartoum and Omdurman , customs officers to have called for an all-out strike by civil servants " to put an end to the military regime " and tens of thousands of protesters to have taken to the streets of Omdurman on Feb. 9 .
23 Garang had called for a constitutional conference , involving all political parties .
24 Earlier in the year Jordan had called for the homeless to be set to work on a state-run farm .
25 AI has called for an independent inquiry into the killings and repeatedly called for a curb on the use of firearms by the security forces .
26 Sebastian Arcos Bergnes , vice-president of an unofficial human rights group , was brought to trial in early October for ‘ enemy propaganda ’ ; the prosecution has called for a six year sentence .
27 Greenpeace has called for a complete reorganization of the International Atomic Energy Authority ( IAEA ) , the UN regulatory body , on the grounds that its mandate to promote nuclear energy is incompatible with its responsibility as an international nuclear watchdog .
28 An all-party group of MPs has called on the Compact Disc industry to cut its prices by two pounds per disc saying the price difference between discs and cassettes can not be justified .
29 SDLP deputy leader Seamus Mallon has called for the immediate suspension of the officers involved and for the investigation to be carried out by officers from another police force .
30 The SDLP had called on the Unionist parties to give a guarantee to continue the talks after the election regardless of its outcome .
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