Example sentences of "[noun] have been replaced [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She found that muddy brown eyes had been replaced by alert blue ones .
2 It was only some years later , when the over-expansion he had forecast had materialised , and some of the more obscurantist leaders of the industry had been replaced by new men , that the industry came to terms with the problem ( see pp. 212–17 , below ) .
3 Factory bonuses have been replaced by compulsory pay deductions to buy government bonds , and many enterprises say they can not buy the bonds because they no longer have any cash .
4 The local pit has closed and the miners have been replaced by serious athletes who wear regulation running gear and train thoroughly , sometimes all year round .
5 The gin trap has been replaced by other traps which may not be as effective but which are more humane .
6 Technology too has changed , the heroic inventor has been replaced by corporate r&d .
7 In schools , O level and CSE have been replaced by GCSE in England , Wales and Northern Ireland ; and O grade has been replaced by Standard grade in Scotland .
8 The situation was also complicated by the fact that , since 1945 , much of the islands ' native population had been replaced by Soviet citizens who were opposed to any concessions towards Japanese claims of sovereignty .
9 The once razor sharp blades have been replaced by wooden ones tipped with rubber .
10 Steel and shipbuilding have been replaced by low energy industries — electronics , microprocessors , information technology and various service industries .
11 The heat of the day had been replaced by searing cold and the bus was nearly empty .
12 She reached out to switch on the bedhead light and realised that the blackness of night had been replaced by grey gloom .
13 Even the water taps have been replaced by electromagnetic sensors which spring into action when a hand is waved within 100 mm of the sensor .
14 Anyway , by the time we reached our chambers my anger had been replaced by sheer terror at the danger we had just escaped .
15 During Joseph Chamberlain 's tenure of the Colonial Office all that had changed ; Africans had been replaced by British .
16 Victorian paternalism and welfare state democracy have been replaced by Tory populism .
17 Since her death , the trustees have gone public — anonymous gifts have been replaced by open ones in memory of the three sisters .
18 Around 150 works , many of which previously hung in the bedrooms and bathrooms of the Thyssen homes , and have not been exhibited previously , will be hung in galleries whose pre-war Germanic museum style has been replaced by modern tones of grey .
19 Suburbanization , therefore , has become ‘ rurbanization ’ , and physical urbanization has been replaced by functional urbanization of the countryside ( Hall et al .
20 Old-fashioned notions that a woman 's anatomy , through her capacity to bear children , determined the shape of her entire life have been replaced by complex debates as to how different social structures have interacted to produce the variety of patterns of gender relations which are to be found across different societies and over time .
21 After half a century , gas power has returned to The National Trust 's Dunster Castle , near Minehead — but this time carbide gas and coal gas have been replaced by natural gas and a sophisticated energy efficient system , which creates the perfect balance of warmth and humidity to preserve both the fabric and the valuable contents of the castle .
22 Many ofthe 2.5 million rivets have been renewed , and parts of the ironwork have been replaced in recent years-authenticated chunks of the original were sold off to the public as highly-priced souvenirs .
23 Two of the rungs had been replaced by fresh wood .
24 Drab vistas of bare streets lined with parked vehicles have been replaced by attractive and surprising views , differentiated by greenery , alternative parking arrangements and varied paving materials .
25 Then all of a sudden my enthusiasm had been replaced with deep anxiety and apprehension for what actually lay ahead of me .
26 On the other hand , where there is commitment , it is often only for its own sake , and conviction has been replaced by passionate intensity .
27 The cluttered informality of the Edwardian local police station with its rudimentary procedures for record-keeping has been replaced by elaborate computer-assisted systems of information retrieval .
28 Today , this exquisite ancient culture has been replaced by Bulgarian rock bands singing funereal versions of ‘ Amazing Grace
29 In 1914 the art schools had all but atrophied ; the models had gone off to the munitions factories , and students had been replaced by retired businessmen seeking distraction from their troubles .
30 Past the entrance to a farmyard rutted deep in soft mud , and he could see the slipped roofing of the barns where the fallen tiles had been replaced by corrugated iron .
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