Example sentences of "[noun] have been [verb] [adv prt] since " in BNC.

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1 There are a number of problems caused by a protracted campaign — and arguably , this election has been going on since last autumn when everyone started wondering whether Major could pull it off .
2 Although the pied flycatcher 's adultery has been known about since 1950 , it is only in the last few years that the scientist Rauno Alatalo and his colleagues , studying pied flycatchers in Sweden , have begun to unravel the finer details .
3 Considerable research has been carried out since 1973 by the Department of Geology at Cardiff University .
4 Some US$570 million in military aid to Pakistan had been cut off since 1990 under US legislation requiring such a cut-off unless the President certified to Congress that Pakistan was not developing nuclear weapons [ see p. 37764 ] .
5 A number of other co-ops have been set up since then , the most recent being British Organic Milk Producers ( BOMP ) which was launched at Stop Farm in Oxfordshire in May .
6 Its new home is Courtaulds ' technical library , where training sessions have been going on since mid-November .
7 Work has been going on since October to convert a church basement into a sophisticated club for people aged between 14 and 18 .
8 The Electrochemical Technology business has been built up since 1981 to capitalize on ICI 's expertise in chlor-alkali production and electrochemistry. the FM21 membrane cell has been sold since that year , mainly as part of a chlor-alkali production package , but recent developments have led to its use in the manufacture of more complex speciality or ‘ effect ’ chemicals .
9 Something approaching a personal crisis had been building up since Nietzsche 's return from the unforgettable distress of war .
10 Party workers have been rallying around since last Thursday night 's arson attack which caused tens of thousands worth of damage .
11 Liverpool have been holding on since November 9 for news of the left-sided 22-year-old while government officials check to see if there are any objections from the FA or Players ' Union .
12 Although many experimental studies have been carried out since then , this remains the clearest and best-known work .
13 But yields on long-term bonds have been edging up since the middle of March , a sign that investors expect inflation to rise .
14 No executions had been carried out since 1984 , and there were currently 287 people in prison waiting for parliament to confirm or commute their death sentences ( mostly handed down in the early 1980s ) .
15 On Aug. 29 Nazarbayev closed the nuclear testing site at Semipalatinsk where over 500 nuclear explosions had been carried out since 1949 .
16 The banks approved the first outline of the proposals in October , but detailed work on the final draft has been going on since then .
17 Section 40 consultations have been going on since May 1988 and BR 's plan is expected in the late Autumn of 1989 .
18 Negotiations have been going on since October 1990 and it seems that the Treasury was querying its £4 million valuation .
19 Talks have been going on since last night and the former Celtic and Manchester United star is set to travel north to sort out the details of his contract .
20 Although the 20 cm square shaft has been known about since 1882 it is only with developments in recent technology that it has been possible to explore it by means of a video camera mounted onto a mini robot .
21 Much research on children 's explanations of scientific events has been carried out since the 1970s .
22 The case of the proposed sale by London University 's Royal Holloway College of a good Turner , Constable and Gainsborough ( in that order ) from the collection given to it by its founder Thomas Holloway has been rumbling on since 1988 , arousing increasing indignation in some academic and most heritage circles .
23 The plant has been shut down since the incident .
24 [ For 1990 East German acceptance of guilt for holocaust and readiness to pay compensation see pp. 37379 ; 37829 ; 37899 ; the new agreement had been worked out since unification in October 1990 . ]
25 Diplomatic relations between the UK and Libya had been broken off since that year .
26 Studies of pause patterns in speech have been carried out since the 1950s .
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