Example sentences of "[noun] of [art] [noun] workers ' " in BNC.

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1 I suppose he had forgotten that when Bill Jordan , president of the engineering workers ' union , asked him during the 1987 election campaign to announce then that he would hold a referendum on unilateralism after the election , he declined and replied that people would come round to it once they understood .
2 Certain branches of the Ulster Workers ' Council wished for more time to prepare their particular factory or section of industry .
3 Harry Murray , chairman of the Ulster Workers ' Council and Constitutional Stoppage Central Co-ordinating Committee .
4 It was made clear to us that Operation ‘ Brisket ’ for the road haulage dispute , ‘ Bittern ’ for the rapidly growing ambulance drivers ' dispute , and ‘ Nimrod ’ in the case of the water workers ' action , were all long on detailed planning , but short on how much could actually be done in a major dispute .
5 It consisted of the Central Council of the Ulster Workers ' Council together with representatives of the loyalist parties and paramilitary organisations .
6 Will Thorne , leader of the Gas Workers ' Union , moved a resolution : While the conference unanimously supported Treasury or rate-financed school meals , only a minority was prepared to let the state share parental responsibilities more fully .
7 A member for sixty-nine years of the Art Workers ' Guild , Frampton had inherited from his father a strong feeling for materials and a commitment to meticulous workmanship .
8 The badly beaten bodies of Bertil Whinberg , chair of the Building Workers ' Union and a member of the executive of Sweden 's ruling Social Democratic Labour Party , and Ove Frederiksson , head of the Wood Industry Worker 's Union , were found in a gravel pit on the outskirts of the city .
9 An indefinite " strategic " strike by 40,000 members of the Metal Workers ' Union of Sao Paulo began on April 15 , closing all but one of Brazil 's main car manufacturers .
10 The funerals of members of the Kurdistan Workers ' Party ( PKK ) guerrilla movement had been the scene of demonstrations and clashes with troops .
11 Interior Minister Ismet Sezgin said on June 15 that 6,796 members of the Kurdistan Workers ' Party ( PKK ) had been " captured alive " in the previous seven months .
12 Before the war , he had been one of the most prominent members of the Dock workers ' Guild , acting as principal deputy to their father , the Chairman , but after he was disabled and discharged from the army , he was forced to take other work , helping Florrie to run their Aunt Emily 's corner grocery shop .
13 In fact , little is known about drought 's most likely victims , who often live beyond the reach of the aid workers ' vehicles .
14 An interlude of social peace had been forged of which Jack Jones of the Transport Workers ' Union was the architect .
15 Supporting the leadership , Garfield Davies , general secretary of the shop workers ' union Usdaw , said delegates should not forget the objective was to create a nuclear-free world , not just a nuclear-free Britain .
16 But Garfield Davies , general secretary of the shop workers ' union USDAW , said non-payment campaigners were giving false hope to the vulnerable .
17 Ron Todd , the general secretary of the transport workers ' union , said that today 's vote on the multilaterist nuclear defence policy would not yield the ‘ massive and overwhelming ’ majority predicted by right-wingers , and he warned that party leaders could not expect everybody to ‘ goose-step ’ in the same direction once the policy had been carried .
18 Sir George Askwith , the Board of Trade 's Chief Industrial Commissioner , quickly persuaded Devonport to meet Harry Gosling and Harry Orbell , an influential official of the London Dockers , who were representative of both the executive of the Transport Workers ' Federation and the workers ' side of the Port of London Authority and to assure them that existing agreements would be maintained .
19 From 1885 to 1888 and in 1894 he was a committee member of the Art Workers ' Guild .
20 In 1884 he became a founder member of the Art Workers ' Guild .
21 I 'm Joe , a member of the cocoa workers ' union in Ghana .
22 Last night , speaking in Brighton , Jack Adams , a national officer of the transport workers ' union , said directors had warned that , although they had no plans to shut Dagenham , employees themselves could close it if their work record did not improve .
23 The triumph of the Ulster Workers ' Council left it with huge prestige during the remainder of the summer .
24 The Ballylumford workers eventually invited Jim Smyth of the Ulster Workers ' Council , Dr. Ian Paisley of the Democratic Unionist Party and Ernest Baird of the United Ulster Unionist Party to meet them .
25 Jim Smyth of the Ulster Workers ' Council emphasised and re-emphasised it with particular skill and persistence .
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