Example sentences of "[noun] of [art] workers ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the international level by world revolution which , by breaking the isolation of the workers ' states , will provide an effective antidote to bureaucratization .
2 The variety of guests present , who included Chamorro 's Presidency Minister Antonio Lacayo Oyanguren , Joaquín Villalobos , the leader of the general command of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) in El Salvador , Luís Inácio da Silva ( " Lula " ) , president of the Workers ' Party ( PT ) in Brazil , and Guatemala 's former President Vinicio Cerezo Arévalo , was seen as reflecting different political currents within the FSLN and its desire for increased political respectability .
3 THE new Lord Mayor of Dublin , Tomas MacGiolla of the Workers ' Party , arrived in Northern Ireland today for his first visit since taking up office .
4 At the same time he announced that economic austerity measures , including a freeze on public sector promotions , were to be " reconsidered " ; this had also been one of the demands of the workers ' organizations .
5 Two days later the official trade union movement , the Mozambique Workers ' Organization , previously silent on the strikes , came out in support of the workers ' actions , saying : " We consider that most of the strikers ' grievances are justified . "
6 The run-off results were as follows : Acre was won by Edumundo Pinto ( Social Democratic Party — PDS ) , Amapá by Annibal Barcellos ( Liberal Front Party — PFL ) , Maranhao by Edison Lobao ( PFL ) , Mato Grosso do sul by Jaime Campos ( PFL ) , Minas Gerais by Helio Garcia ( Social Reform Party — PRS ) , Paraíba by Ronaldo Cunha Linha ( Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement — PMDB ) , Parana by Roberto Requiao ( PMDB ) , Pernambuco by Joaquim Francisco Cavalcanti ( PFL ) , Piauí by Feitas Neto ( PFL ) , Rio Grande do Norte by Agripino Maia ( PFL ) , Rio Grande do Sul by Alceu Colarres ( Democratic Labour Party — PDT ) , Rondônia by Osvaldo Pianna ( from one branch of the Workers ' Party ( PT ) identified as the PTR ) , Roraima by Otomar Pinto ( Brazilian Labour Party — PTB ) , Sao Paulo by Luis Antonio Fleury ( PMDB ) , and Tocantins by Moises Avelino ( PMDB ) .
7 The formation of ‘ a party of a new type ’ , democratic but disciplined and centralized , composed of the vanguard of the workers ' movement , and united by conscious commitment to revolutionary Marxism , was indispensable .
8 The change in the nature of the workers ' skill comes about , claims Mallet , because old craft-based skills of general applicability are replaced by skills needed to operate specific pieces of machinery .
9 A long-running legal dispute came to an end in April 1991 when J. B. Jeyaretnam , a former MP and the secretary-general of the Workers ' Party ( WP ) , withdrew his appeal before the Singapore Court of Appeal for reinstatement of his parliamentary status .
10 Han Dongfang , leader of the workers ' organization during the Tiananmen Square protests , who was held without trial for two years until released on bail for medical treatment in April , was exempted from prosecution on the grounds that he had given himself up , the agency said .
11 The following day Proinsias de Rossa , leader of the Workers ' Party , read sections of the advertisement out in the Dail , thereby allowing the Irish media to publish them with impunity .
12 Eileen Desmond TD and Deputy Murphy , both of the Labour Party , spoke for the project as did Councillor Joe Sherlock of the Workers ' Party .
13 Ethiopia , where the monarchy was overthrown in 1974 , inaugurated a People 's Democratic Republic in 1987 under the leadership of the Workers ' Party of Ethiopia ; Mozambique , which became independent in 1975 , was headed by a liberation movement of broadly Marxist orientation ; and Angola , which became independent in the same year , was governed by the Marxist MPLA-PT ( all three countries concluded friendship treaties with the USSR in the 1970s ) .
14 Overall , I am coming to the view that the main cultural element is the collective wish to have a non-relation , or at least one that is strictly delimited , between workers and managers and , in turn , between the worker and his enterprise except in terms of the workers ' culture which is one of withdrawal .
15 Six of the seven MPs of the Workers ' Party resigned on Feb. 22 at an executive meeting of the party .
16 Moreover , their ability to make sense of the workers ' predicament and articulate their grievances played an important part in mobilizing less sophisticated ranks .
17 This opposition naturally came from the left of Irish politics , with support from left Labour figures such as Noel Browne and David Neligan , trade unionists such as Michael Mullen of the ITGWU and members of the Workers ' Party .
18 With hindsight , it is clear that at the time we did not fully grasp the real significance of the workers ' position .
19 It 's only dirty tricks and underhanded tactics used by the T & G during the approach of the Workers ' Union so must realize Congress , to be more positive , one of the major benefits or more , the major benefit from future amalgamation with the T & G would be the free help of officials from both unions and and negotiations both national , regional and even at times individual company level where both unions help members .
20 Whereas for Marxist-Leninists , the nationalization of property in the hands of a workers ' State ensured that through the institutions which represented them — the State , the party , the soviets and the trade unions — the working masses were now in command , for libertarians this represented little more than a ‘ change of guard ’ .
21 Because the additional quantity of products which must flow into our heavy industry has to be taken from outside , not from within the sphere of heavy industry itself , which is in the hands of the workers ' state , but from elsewhere , from other external sources , whatever the price we have to pay .
22 The USSR became a regular participant in international conference diplomacy at the Genoa Conference in 1922 ; initially hostile to the League of Nations , describing it in 1919 as a ‘ Holy Alliance of capitalists for the suppression of the workers ' revolution ’ , the USSR became a member in 1934 and was in turn a founding member of the United Nations in 1945 and a prominent member of its Security Council .
23 AS 70,000 East Germans streamed through Leipzig on Monday night in the largest demonstration the German Democratic Republic has ever seen , a few marchers approached the line of the workers ' militia units , on standby in a side-street there .
24 The party 's general secretary , Achille Occhetto , acknowledged the failure of communist policies in 1989 , and said that the new name represented " the two great ideas that define the fundamental alliance of the forces of renovation in the world " , while its new emblem , an oak tree with the hammer and sickle reduced to a small detail beneath it , combined a representation of the history of the workers ' movement with " our duty to live in a relationship with nature " .
25 The ITGWU County Cork organizer , Hugh O'Callaghan , who had been a member of the workers ' delegation to the US Ambassador , responded that he was convinced that the project would go ahead , though an inquiry might help to quell current concern .
26 To defuse this near state of lawlessness , the Interior Ministry has ordered the abolition of the workers ' militia in factories .
27 To defuse this near state of lawlessness , the Interior Ministry has ordered the abolition of the workers ' militia in factories .
28 To defuse what is almost a state of lawlessness , the Interior Ministry has ordered the abolition of the workers ' militia in factories .
29 Calls for the creation of a workers ' soviet , including a summons by the Bolshevik Vyborg District Committee to form it at the Finland Station in the Vyborg district , became widespread .
30 In the presidential elections of 1989 [ see pp. 37040 ; 37117-18 ] he supported Luis Inacio da Silva of the Workers ' Party ( PT ) .
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