Example sentences of "leads to the " in BNC.

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1 Which leads to the usual problems associated with casting and auditioning .
2 Inevitably this leads to the question of injecting matters of a subjective nature into the account .
3 If this is danced to 6/8 it leads to the very swift footwork needed fur Massine 's tarantella and Ashton 's version of the Italian pas de deux in Swan Lake , a miracle of timing and quick changes of éauiement .
4 The trick does not work , but at least it leads to the hiding of Colas in Lise 's bedroom and the awful discovery of the two of them together just as Alain has received the key and goes to claim his bride .
5 This leads to the south-east face of Gimmer ( 1 hour ) .
6 Trudge up this to find a well-defined narrow path which eventually leads to the south-east face of the crag .
7 Ahead I could see the rest of my party plodding towards the final slope that leads to the west ( main ) summit .
8 The academic institutionalizing of literary study inevitably leads to the establishing of canons ( made necessary , among much else , by the logistic requirements of reading lists and bookshop orders ) , and where there are canons evaluation is , in the context of pedagogy , either impossible or unrewardingly difficult , since canonization implies merit .
9 The belated realization that these things are no longer so leads to the embittered and baffled reaction that they ought to be so .
10 Dr Jones and his team are now extending their work to other species , and to the post-larval stage , which leads to the ultimate product — the prawn on the end of your fork .
11 This way only leads to the nightmare of Los Angeles .
12 On the far side , a narrow arch leads to the main shopping streets : Grote Markt , Spuistraat and the classy Noordeinde .
13 His criticism of Lévy-Bruhl for overstressing the distance between the savage and the modern mind shows that for Eliot the two were linked , but Lévy-Bruhl 's stress on the different , apparently unreasonable nature of the savage leads to the modern Sweeney whose world is far removed from the sweet reason of Emerson .
14 This leads to the rather less splendid ascent of Princess Volupine ‘ To climb the waterstair ’ and to entertain
15 The development of exploitation also leads to the formation of ideas , concepts , values , and institutions , but these , unlike those produced by the first process , are geared to operating exploitation , and involve giving the appearance of legitimacy to exploitation , as well as hiding its true nature from the exploited .
16 Having shown how the advent to monogamy leads to the subjugation of women , Engels follows their increasing humiliation either as prisoners , as in ancient Athens , or as prostitutes .
17 Marriage is one of the elements which leads to the formation and the maintenance of the inequality between classes and it does this at the expense of women .
18 This process as we have seen , leads to the break of community and the formation of classes .
19 It leads to the Gulag , you know , and is patriarchal to boot ( translation : Marx had a beard ) .
20 This impossible quest , which indirectly leads to the undoing of Thingol 's own elvish kingdom , is only possible because Luthien accompanies Beren on his journey .
21 Ships with Wings ( 1941 ) , for example , tells the improbable story of a flyer who loses his commission after an attempt to impress the admiral 's daughter leads to the death of her brother .
22 This leads to the idea of auditory icons , which indicate the nature of objects inside the computer , by alluding to some object in the real world .
23 It called for the repeal of legislation ‘ which leads to the victimisation of the poor ’ .
24 But then this leads to the idea that perhaps a number of women do not enjoy being part of a couple and that a single woman in their midst acts like a demented lighthouse : enticing hapless travellers , by its safe and steady beam , on to the rocks below .
25 … Crossing a wooden foot bridge to the right of the village street , passing the village church and climbing a rather steep hill , on the crest of which the road curves to the right , I soon see the cart-track which leads to the hall .
26 But legal restraints , plus the political difficulty in today 's Europe of sending conscripts off to far-away fights , leads to the obvious question : would they fight ?
27 Businesses are worried lest pushing things too fast leads to the adoption of quotas for women and minorities .
28 From the old town a broad boulevard , called Gedimino ( formerly Lenin Avenue ) , leads to the parliament building .
29 The right use of freedom leads to the Christian discipline that we call ‘ holiness ’ .
30 He really believed that line of Blake 's : ‘ The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom ’ , something like that .
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