Example sentences of "resolution call for " in BNC.

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1 On 28 January a UN resolution called for the cessation of hostilities , the release of the Indonesian leaders and the restoration of their authority within the Van Mook Line .
2 The resolution called for the resumption of negotiations and transfer of sovereignty to a United States of Indonesia before 1 July 1950 .
3 In a new development , the resolution called for the holding of presidential elections in May .
4 At the TUC of September 1899 , the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants moved a resolution calling for a special conference to discuss the representation of the working man in Parliament .
5 We have pushed successfully for an EC ban on large-scale drift nets that threatened dolphins , and we support the UN resolution calling for a moratorium on their use .
6 On Thursday delegates approved a resolution calling for a two-year ban on dumping radioactive wastes in the sea .
7 In February of this year a resolution calling for its enactment was passed by the Liberal Party Council , and it has also been supported by many individuals and groups in both the Labour and Conservative parties .
8 Similarly , after the implementation of the allowances , the Cooperative Women 's Guild , an organisation of working-class women within the Cooperative Movement which had originally been among the strongest supporters of the campaign for family allowances ( Lewis , 1980 ) , defeated a resolution calling for an increase in the amount of the allowance at their annual Congress in 1951 ( Gaffin and Thoms , 1983 , p. 161 ) .
9 In the following year an even stronger resolution on the navy was passed unanimously , but a resolution calling for national service was conveniently not reached at the end of the order paper ; there was an undoubted commitment to a stronger army and navy but some doubt about the wisdom of a party commitment to conscription In peacetime .
10 Criticism of the running of the war went on though , and in June the Executive passed a resolution calling for a more active prosecution of the War .
11 The Western alliance appeared to be in total disarray as the USA supported a United Nations resolution calling for a cease-fire in Egypt , which her allies reluctantly accepted .
12 The Georgian parliament , under its new leadership , unanimously adopted a resolution calling for the full restoration of republican sovereignty as it had existed up to 1921 .
13 The union treaty was considered at some length by the Central Committee plenum in December 1990 ; it approved a resolution calling for the ‘ renewal and preservation of a unitary Soviet Union ’ , a renewal that was ‘ socialist in character ’ .
14 In that same year , on behalf of the union , I went to the rostrum at the Labour Party Conference , to move a resolution calling for the end of the block vote .
15 I do not claim to have my hon. Friend 's detailed knowledge , but I remember my attitude when the Council of Europe recently passed a resolution calling for an armed intervention force in Yugoslavia under the aegis of the United Nations .
16 A resolution calling for the holding of a plebiscite had been adopted by the UN in January 1949 .
17 On April 26 the central executive committee of the Nepali Congress met and adopted a resolution calling for the immediate dissolution of the district and local non-party panchayats , and for the establishment of a constitutional monarchy and elections within a year .
18 A poorly attended meeting of Arab League Foreign Ministers issues a resolution calling for an immediate Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait .
19 On Sept. 24 the Supreme Soviet adopted by 285 votes to 26 , with 60 abstentions , a resolution calling for a " unified programme " , combining elements from the Shatalin , Ryzhkov and Aganbegyan proposals , to be worked out under Gorbachev 's supervision and in consultation with the republican legislatures , for submission by Oct. 15 .
20 At a meeting of the UN Security Council on Dec. 7 , it was made clear that a prospective resolution calling for a Middle East peace conference would not achieve US endorsement .
21 The meeting , which was attended by 114 of its 161 members and by 14 observer delegations , unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a more co-ordinated international approach to the problem of aircraft noise .
22 Sudan , and reportedly Yemen , had also urged the lifting of sanctions while dissenting from a resolution calling for their extension passed by the Islamic Conference Organization ( ICO ) at its summit in Dakhar on Dec. 9 [ see p. 38699 ] .
23 The European Parliament on Feb. 14 approved a resolution calling for an end to " the deplorable situation of human rights abuses " in Guatemala and expressing concern at the lack of progress in investigating abuses .
24 The Sex Discrimination Committee was established in January 1992 following Bar Council endorsement of last year 's General Meeting resolution calling for an investigation into the position of women at the Bar .
25 A resolution calling for a ban on TBT in anti-fouling paints was agreed by the International Maritime Organisation 's environment protection committee .
26 Indonesia and Malaysia have responded belligerently to the European parliament 's resolution calling for a ban on imports of tropical hardwoods .
27 In 1978 for example the Trades Union Congress ( TUC ) passed a resolution calling for government action to promote technological change while at the same time ameliorating the impact of such change on existing employment .
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