Example sentences of "dependent on the " in BNC.

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1 The actor is dependent on the stimulus of other faces and voices .
2 The feeling was soughing through them , every face was turned fully towards him , features naked , eyes widened ( they were too expectant , too dependent on the next sally , their wills must be gathered up and channelled towards an irresistible action ) .
3 No laws of behaviour are going to be formulated which are in any way dependent on the basic physical characteristics of a stimulus .
4 The principle will also be dependent on the development of technology to allow people to once again work in the forests , near the resource .
5 In her letter of 21 August , Ms Greengross referred to the 1989 Family Expenditure Survey which found that 25% of retired people living alone mainly dependent on the state pension do not have a telephone and linked this ‘ poor level of penetration among people who need a telephone most … to the policy of increasing rental and connection charges to the maximum permitted by the retail price index ( RPI ) + 2% price cap , while targeting businesses and heavy residential users for international call rate reductions and volume discounts ’ .
6 John admits they are in a better position than most tenants , for they have their own house to move in to and are not dependent on the pub 's accommodation .
7 The inductions in the two cores cancel out precisely when the cores are placed in a zero external field ; an external field causes asymmetric pulses of amplitude and position dependent on the polarity and strength of the external field .
8 But Ian McGeechan , the coach , will be dependent on the successful work he did on tour in Australia to get his players ready for tomorrow 's game against France at Parc des Princes .
9 The people most affected by them — office workers and passers-by — have little or no influence on their design , and are dependent on the benevolence of the developer and on planning laws .
10 The result is heavily dependent on the use of reinforced concrete , and although it looks impressive , it does n't feel right .
11 What mattered to Marx and Engels was therefore not so much the specific history which had produced these concepts , but the fact that they had a history at all , that the concepts were dependent on the type of society and economy in which they occurred .
12 There is a rump who are dependent on the Welfare State and their place is resented .
13 But the argument is too neat , and dependent on the assumption of a desire on the part of filmmakers to express themselves about contemporary realities that was being repressed by the censorship system .
14 Rank 's ambitions in the US were dependent on the company 's films all being of a certain quality , but there was an insufficient understanding of what made a production unit like Ealing work , and the model was not copied elsewhere .
15 As a result , President FRanois Mitterrand 's support for Chancellor Helmut Kohl 's policy on German reunification at Strasbourg was dependent on the West Germans agreeing to set up the government conference by the end of next year .
16 It 's dependent on the purposeful pulling of triggers and setting off of bombs .
17 Among the remaining 13 private members ' bills , whose chances are far more dependent on the amount of controversy they attract , are measures to compensate British nuclear test victims , abolish poll tax warrant sales in Scotland , and lay down car telephones standards .
18 But , unlike any other nature preserve , the Everglades today exists like a patient on life-support , completely dependent on the outside efforts of others to survive .
19 To achieve that abroad , they need not only to find suppliers willing to work in their way , but also to build a commercial relationship in which each is dependent on the other .
20 Or he might aim for a minority government dependent on the votes of six Arab members of the Knesset .
21 The Swedish reforms give patients more freedom to choose who treats them and make the resources allocated to doctors ( including their pay packets ) dependent on the number of patients they can attract .
22 Dependent on the pipeline through Turkey for its oil exports , Iraq complied with its big neighbour 's wish and dropped the Kurdish deal .
23 The later parts of this grand scheme are logically dependent on the earlier so that , via his moral philosophy , Hobbes 's political philosophy is ultimately dependent on his physics .
24 More generally , he gives a lengthy defence and articulation of the idea that knowledge is ultimately dependent on the senses .
25 My view was that most people would prefer a pension that was theirs by right rather than being dependent on the decisions of government .
26 Moreover , as the war continued , the government was increasingly dependent on the support of union officials and the status of trade unions rose to a level which had previously appeared inconceivable .
27 The development of these skills is dependent on the young animal spending a considerable time in normal relationships with its own kind .
28 All of us in the team knew that we were totally dependent on the Lord for any ‘ success ’ — but it was still reassuring at each crusade when Walter would murmur to me as he surveyed the huge first night crowds — ‘ Well , Harvey , that 's your job safe till the next one .
29 If point loads are used , one per side , then each side tends to become hyperbolic , its acuity dependent on the elasticity of edges .
30 He then headed two minority governments which were dependent on the Liberals , and a National Government which had a clear Conservative majority from October 1931 onwards .
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