Example sentences of "struggle for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The bitter struggle for water rights by crafty peasants YVES MONTAND and GERALD DEPARDIEU lasts two generations .
2 An organised resistance to op-pression , but the building of new social relations , the realisation of desires now , taking place within the organisation as part of the struggle for state power and a new society in the future .
3 Corrigan and Frith ( CCCS , 1975 , p. 238 ) concluded : ‘ even if youth culture is not political in the sense of being part of a class-conscious struggle for state power , it nevertheless does provide a necessary precondition of such a struggle ’ .
4 Participating and enjoying disability arts could then be seen as only a side-show in the drama of struggle for change , something to provide relief from the tensions of boring or stressful committee meetings .
5 They were published around the world during 1987 beginning in MANCHETE , ( Brazil ) 16 May ( " Serra Pelado — A Torre de Babel desce ao inferno " ) , followed by THE SUNDAY TIMES MAGAZINE , London , on 24 May ( " In the Hellhole " ) and then in THE NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE , 7 June ( " An Epic Struggle for Gold " ) .
6 Put all these together and there was a struggle for faith .
7 The survival of the fittest meant that the struggle for life condemned millions of living creatures to starvation or violent death from many causes , not by any means the least important of which was the provision of food for other species .
8 ’ He sees the struggle for definition as ‘ veritably the struggle for life itself ’ , and that to perceive oneself for oneself is a matter of life and death : ‘ In short , he who first seizes the word imposes reality on the other : he who defines thus dominates and lives ; and he who is defined is subjugated and may be killed . ’
9 In a glowing vision of The ascent of man ( 1894 ) , Drummond acknowledged the Darwinian struggle for life , but he also referred to a struggle for the life of others .
10 He called the book in which he set out his theory in detail , The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life .
11 Paintings from the 19th and early 20th centuries show us a countryside where humans are not dominant but co-exist with Nature in the struggle for life ; where cultivated fields are everywhere bounded by the wilderness which constantly threatens to encroach and claim back its own .
12 As regards the calculated appeal to the frightened little man trying to make sense of his everyday struggle for life in his market town or small village , Hitler continually stressed the nation :
13 You come out of the little world of your daily struggle for life , and of your struggle for Germany and for our nation , to experience this feeling for once .
14 Korea … is a symbol to the watching world both of the East-West struggle for influence and power and of American sincerity in sponsoring the nationalistic aims of Asiatic peoples .
15 It is perhaps useful here to bear in mind the distinction often made in the study of pressure groups between ‘ interest ’ groups and ‘ cause ’ groups , though in the tactical struggle for influence each may seek to co-opt the support of the other .
16 If executive-assembly relations are seen as basically a struggle for influence over the policy-making process , what are the weapons available to each side in the struggle ?
17 Almost equally important was the ending , by a series of agreements in 1745 , 1773 and 1790 , of a struggle for influence which had been going on for generations between the Reichskanzlei ( Imperial Chancery ) under its hereditary head , the Elector of Mainz , and the Hofkanzlei ( the Chancery of the Habsburg hereditary lands ) .
18 The takeover of the Midland , after a brief , savage struggle for ownership between Lloyds and the Hongkong Bank , was a tragic fate for a once powerful institution .
19 Thus the struggle for ownership of the influential Izvestiya newspaper appeared settled by a nominal change in ownership , taking the paper out of reach of the Supreme Soviet .
20 The death-bed thus prefigured the decisive struggle for possession of the soul , which would take place on Judgement Day and which had been so vividly depicted in mediaeval murals and missals .
21 Yet was not this how most of the world lived , and thought themselves lucky to do so ? — once survival was accomplished the struggle for ordinariness began .
22 Throughout the tenth and eleventh centuries the Counts of Anjou had belonged to a group of princes who were alternately enemies and allies in the struggle for land and power in northern and western Gaul .
23 Joint struggle for land
24 It 's just another struggle for air , for living life .
25 There was a stark personal conflict in the struggle for promotion .
26 Many people struggle for promotion in order to enhance their status within organisations .
27 Likewise , in Alejo Carpentier 's The Kingdom of This World , an account of slave revolts in Haiti at the end of the eighteenth century , the Negroes ' struggle for liberty opposes their magical world of voodoo to the rational , cerebral world of their French masters .
28 The main struggle for territory in Bosnia is now between Muslims and Croats .
29 It was not , in essence , a struggle for territory ; nor for religious supremacy ; nor for independence ; nor against external aggression ; nor about the rights of minorities .
30 The implications for people 's health are being overlooked in this struggle for profit ( 4 ) .
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