Example sentences of "to turn [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hunger and profit are the two great forces for change in the world — and there is a desperate need to turn them to the Earth 's advantage .
2 All this seems fairly straightforward , but the remarkable fact is that there are particles that do not look the same if one turns them through just one revolution : you have to turn them through two complete revolutions !
3 At the moment , much of the basic research is devoted to refining the yttrium , bismuth and thallium cuprates , and finding ways to turn them into useful films and wires .
4 Given the close relationship between the occupational behaviour of working-class adolescents and their ‘ personality ’ , reformers faced certain difficulties : how to imbue them with approved ethical principles ; how to turn them into efficient workers ; how effectively to reorganize the labour-market for social and economic ends .
5 The computers process the satellite data to turn them into useful information .
6 You will need to turn them into green teachers … and that will be even more difficult .
7 It is believed , however , that some early igneous rocks , which had to solidify from a molten state , are proof that some atmospheric gases ( such as carbon dioxide , nitrogen and water vapour ) had to be present to turn them into something approaching earthlike rocks and clays by a primitive ‘ weathering ’ process .
8 Some people find it helpful to listen to the noises and to try to be selective , to turn them into a tune or a rhythm .
9 The fee was n't much , but Harford wanted a club in the south and that was it — not much consolation for Kendall , who knows he might well have done for Everton what he 's doing for Chelsea , helping to turn them into a real Premier League force .
10 It should be stressed that the aim in providing teachers with training in observational procedures is not to turn them into classroom researchers …
11 To prevent such a sequence of events the church must seek continual spiritual renewal ; deploy a high proportion of its members to work in the external constituency ; in McGavran 's terminology , to turn them into class two leaders and workers , i.e. ‘ members whose energies are primarily directed to serving and evangelising non-Christians in their ministry area in an effort to bring them into the Body of Christ ’ , and to establish new groups and plant new congregations .
12 I let the twins use their money on drugs because I do n't want to turn them into thieves — ’ he paused , ‘ or hookers .
13 Stored at Wroughton , on July 11 the following year , the airframe was struck off charge and joined a large number of Lancs that were pounced upon by scrapmen eager to turn them into saucepans .
14 Director Tony Downes says that IBM has published details in the past , for example for Physical Unit 2.1 , and while these prove a useful guide , he says , there is a good deal of interpretation needed to turn them into usable products .
15 The first such is Microsoft Workgroup Templates : these are bundles of technologies , such as macros and dynamic link libraries which can be bolted onto existing applications to turn them into a specific workgroup ‘ solution ’ .
16 There was also a reluctance to attempt the transformation of the unions which would have been required to turn them into instruments of workers ' control , since this would clearly have introduced an element of responsibility which was foreign to the previous practice of trade unionism , and would have meant taking on board the awkward problem of reconciling , within a reconstructed union framework , the interests of workers in the given nationalised industry and the interests of working people as a whole , as regards the running of that industry .
17 I was going all out to turn them into the Seventies ’ strongest band . ’
18 Each set of notes came with an attached exercise and at his behest I set to , to analyse squares of numbers , using keys to turn them into the letters that described either thaumaturgical entities , or else even the tetragrammaton itself .
19 Trust us to turn them into chops .
20 Each man had grandiose visions , Neither was able to turn them into reality but , for better or for worse , they had a lasting impact on the Middle East .
21 A lot of labour yes but that was far far better than to have to turn them by hand you know .
22 Thus the effect of the nineteenth-century sales was to turn them from a class of privileged municipal tenants into outright owners of the surplus land of the community .
23 Ten painful operations to turn me into a picture
24 I refused to have a mastectomy and I see now in terms of theory , that I was stagemanaged at various points on the production line , into trying to turn me into a well-behaved patient by traumatising me by saying ‘ If you do n't do what we tell you … ’ or ‘ You 're being very naughty ’ or ‘ You 're being hysterical ’ , or ‘ We have n't got time to deal with all these questions , we 'd never get round ’ , and so on .
25 ‘ And , later on , will you be a domineering husband and try to turn me into a docile , obedient wife ? ’
26 And remember , the aim here is not to turn you into a super-mathematician but to accustom you to thinking somewhat differently to the way you were taught at school and thereby to make things easier for yourself .
27 There you are , and that 'll help to turn you into a human being .
28 The drop of a hat , or anything else , is all it takes to turn you into a passion-packed romantic day .
29 She makes up stories just to turn you against me .
30 Prang your opponent with your lance to turn him into an egg .
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