Example sentences of "driving for three " in BNC.

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1 A motorist who was five times over the drink-drive limit , twice within 24 hours , was put on probation for two years , and banned from driving for three years by magistrates at Exeter .
2 She was fined £3,900 , ordered to forfeit her Ford Fiesta car , worth £800 , and banned from driving for three years .
3 But the legal tangle surrounding ‘ culpability ’ was never really unravelled : no eye-witnesses , contradictory evidence on possible mechanical faults , discrepancies about the time recorded for the breathalyser test — these factors resulted in Kemp getting away comparatively lightly , being banned from driving for three years only , with what must have seemed to many the derisory fine of only four hundred pounds .
4 The jewellery tycoon Gerald Ratner has been banned from driving for three weeks for doing more than a hundred miles an hour on the motorway .
5 PETER Anthony George , 41 , of Amberley Close , Moreton , was fined £315 and banned from driving for three years by Wirral magistrates .
6 John Turnbull , 49 , of Minehead Gardens , Silksworth , Sunderland , was yesterday banned from driving for three years , fined £450 and ordered to pay costs of £25 by Durham City magistrates after pleading guilty to driving with excess alcohol .
7 Magistrates banned Wilson , who is working as a labourer in the Darlington area , from driving for three years and fined him £350 .
8 A MOTORCYCLIST who had been drinking and was doing 122mph when stopped by police on the M9 near Linlithgow , was fined £350 and banned from driving for three years at Linlithgow Sheriff Court yesterday .
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