Example sentences of "pointed [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Creed leaned forwards and pointed through the windshield .
2 ‘ That 's friendly ! ’ he shouted over the engine noise , and he pointed through the windscreen at the concrete airstrip which not only had the yellow cross painted huge at its western end , but also had two trucks parked in its centre line , thus making it impossible for any plane to land .
3 Turning to me suddenly , he pointed through the windscreen and said something in a tongue I did n't understand .
4 One small finger pointed through the glass .
5 He pointed through the trees .
6 The Station Chief pointed between the trousered legs and the shoes of the Greek police and security officials .
7 I pointed out the way we had gone about it in 1974 , when we wished to add an item to the ICAO agenda and were able to agree upon a concerted approach by the major European delegations towards achieving our aims .
8 And when eventually the colobus had been ripped into pieces , and the forest went quiet , he pointed out the way the chimps shared their spoils with their nearest relatives .
9 Nenna pointed out the way through the gate , which , swinging on its hinges , no longer provided any kind of barrier , out onto the Embankment , and first left , first right up Partisan Street for the King 's Road .
10 To the American Founding Fathers and Whigs like Burke such a notion pointed towards a democratic or popular tyranny , and threatened the rights of minorities and individuals .
11 Their vision of the party pointed towards a loosely-organized entity open to the revisionism from which western Marxist parties were suffering .
12 She pointed towards a large , two-storey building on the other side of the green .
13 He smiled and pointed towards a point low in the eastern sky .
14 The Robbins proposals , however , pointed towards a system of CNAA tutelage for those institutions which might have university aspirations but which had not , like the CATs , yet earned their spurs .
15 It was to take several years and unexpected pressures before general progress in this direction was achieved , but it is important to remember that there were views being canvassed in the CNAA and more widely that pointed towards a possible further ‘ collective resolution ’ .
16 Though savage rites might be interesting and even valuable , their greatest value was that , in showing the importance of ritual in a society , they pointed towards the place which the higher Christian rituals should have in his own society .
17 Britain 's transport network pointed towards the colonial past , the CBI declared : it had to be redirected to face the European future .
18 Alexander pushed the last of his toffee bacon and eggs into his mouth with a sticky finger and pointed towards the ‘ Rocket Railway ’ .
19 It pointed towards the possibility of achievements that have not yet been actively pursued .
20 When the old man came into the yard she pointed towards the coalhouse ; the next minute , looking down on the bloodied form , he said , ‘ God in heaven ! ’
21 ‘ Not if it landed there ! ’ replied Brown Owl sharply , and pointed towards the swampland on the other side of the fence .
22 It extended a few of its probes , which swung around slowly for a while and then pointed towards the going-up jet .
23 He pointed towards the firing butts and explained to Vic Norman how the aircraft were positioned to try the guns .
24 On arrival John Crocker taxied past the waiting Walton and Allison and pointed towards the Corsair 's tail , which bemused them somewhat .
25 Talbot looked at him speculatively and pointed towards the north-west .
26 Ace half turned back to the shuttle , pointed towards the sprouting hemisphere ( like chunks of cheddar stuck all over half a grapefruit , she thought ) , and aimed the suit towards the shape that looked like the nose of an asteroid cruncher .
27 She pointed towards the graveyard beside it and the markers on the handful of graves .
28 Fergus walked on his heels , still hunkered down , across the room , eyes and gun pointed towards the plasterboard ceiling .
29 Ursula pointed towards the Cookham bank , where an unremarkable middle-aged man in a brown anorak was tossing crumbs to a quacking and splashing circle of waterfowl .
30 In Kober 's pianos the check could only function as a hammer rest and not as a true check because the hammer pointed towards the player .
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