Example sentences of "to protect [pn reflx] from " in BNC.

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1 If we seek to protect ourselves from doubt in matters of belief , the result will be ‘ inactivity ’ .
2 ‘ We are confident we have done nothing wrong , but need to protect ourselves from the arbitrary and capricious actions of our adversaries . ’
3 To protect ourselves from physical rather than social attack , we must extend that private area and , in times of danger , exclude from it anyone who is not a known friend .
4 She suffered dreadfully from hay fever , and many were the times — such as when we picnicked on Ivinghoe Beacon — she would have benefited from emulating Alan Turing who was said to cycle to work wearing an army gas-mask to protect himself from the pollen .
5 It had been his only relationship , a habit of natural loyalty founded in his childhood , further cemented by the dependence of the field officer on his Control , and never questioned in its foundations … perhaps because , in accepting the Colonel as his father-figure , he had been able to protect himself from the manner of his real father 's death .
6 The driver on top was huddled into a blanket to protect himself from the elements .
7 The publisher has formed a limited liability company to protect himself from such contingencies but nevertheless has tried to pass this liability to the private individual .
8 He mantled his wings automatically ant thrust his head forward aggressively , obeying a deep instinct to protect himself from danger .
9 By paying her 30s. a week and taking this promise from her that she will maintain herself and will not pledge his credit , he has an added safeguard to protect himself from all this worry , trouble and expense .
10 It was almost as though he was trying to erect walls around his heart to protect himself from his softer feelings .
11 He had adopted his slighting manner , he knew , to protect himself from the attraction which she had possessed for him from the first moment that he had seen her .
12 In Jennings , above , the accused had a sheathknife to protect himself from a person with whom he had been quarrelling .
13 Although the Court of Appeal expressed no opinion on it , the court was clearly concerned that the employer might possibly be able to protect himself from the use of the employee 's skill and knowledge post employment by means of express provision if the employee were simply to sell that knowledge as a commodity ( ie not use it as a means to gain further employment ) .
14 Now what do you reckon is the most difficult … the most dangerous job in sport … boxer … jump jockey … racing driver you could argue all night could n't you … what about a chap who has to protect himself from head to foot … gets fired at … and skates on ice … in other words the netminder in ice hockey … see for yourself in our Friday Feature
15 Saddam Hussein says that he needs to protect himself from Iran .
16 In 20 years only one company with an investment-grade rating from Moody 's has defaulted on long-term debt — Manville , a single-A company that went bankrupt voluntarily to protect itself from asbestosis lawsuits .
17 When a government uses repressive secrecy laws more to protect itself from criticism than to protect the nation from foreign danger , then political citizenship is abridged .
18 A plant produces essential oils for its own survival : to influence growth and production ; to attract pollinating insects ; to repel predators ; and to protect itself from disease .
19 BAe was keen to diversify , in order to protect itself from the cyclical swings of both civil and military aerospace manufacturing .
20 He was consumed by indignation that there had been so many attempts to swindle his country in its attempts to gain arms to protect itself from the aggression of Iraq .
21 Of course it would have been difficult for intellectuals to admit that it was precisely their own condemnation and neglect of films which had removed the one buffer that the film industry could have used to protect itself from the onslaught of ‘ the Meddlers and Busybodies ’ .
22 Society is entitled by means of its laws to protect itself from dangers , whether from within or without .
23 Society has the right , according to Devlin , to protect itself from immoral acts , and these acts are immoral if , by definition , every ‘ right-minded ’ person could be assumed to consider them so .
24 Movement can also be limited by the body in order to protect itself from further harm , e.g. the pain from a twisted ankle prevents mobility , thus allowing the inflamed tissues to rest and heal .
25 Young skin is not only thinner but also has fewer pigment cells and is less able to protect itself from the sun .
26 Society may not through its laws be able to protect the sufferers from addictive disease from the consequences of their addiction nor he able to protect itself from the consequences of their actions even if the law is applied universally to all addictive drugs including alcohol .
27 In order to protect itself from the conflicting , volatile and diffuse demands of political groups , it retreated into greater bureaucratism .
28 The capacity of the gastric mucosa to protect itself from injury is determined by many factors , and aggravation of experimental injury as seen after sensory nerve ablation , may result either from impairment of mucosal defence or retardation of rapid repair or both .
29 He followed her , howling and swearing , so that Teresa , who had come out of the kitchen at the tremendous noise , cowered against the door and put up her arms to protect herself from what she believed would be an attack .
30 She had seen the children in other families break away entirely from the too zealous claims of an old nurse and when the time came , as it surely must , she wished to protect herself from the pain which rejection could cause .
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